The responsibilities of public tourism authorities include all the following EXCEPT ________.

lk2024-11-27  3

题目:The responsibilities of public tourism authorities include all the following EXCEPT ________.

A. protect tourists and visitors and their belongings

B. protect the safety of foreign tourists rather than local tourists

C. facilitate the introduction of specific means of information, prevention, security, insurance and assistance consistent with tourists’ needs

D. condemn and punish any attacks, assaults, kidnappings or threats against tourists or workers in the tourism industry in accordance with respective national laws



《素问•阴阳应象大论》中伤阳的情志变化是介绍一本你最近读过的印象深刻的中文或日文书(或一篇文章)。 写作要点: 1.简单介绍一下该书(或文章)。 2.谈谈你介绍这本书(或文章)的理由或读后的感受 写作要求: 1.字数为 150~200字。格式正确,书写清楚。 2.使用「です、ます」体。病理切片的常规染色方法是:病理状态是指;男,57岁,右大腿大隐静脉曲张6年,行大隐静脉切除术,术中见静脉腔内多个褐色物堵塞血管且与血管壁紧密相连,该褐色物最可能是哪种病变下列哪一项属于废用性萎缩,对公务员处分程度最轻的是受开除处分的后不得再次被录用为公务员。网民们虽具有个性化心理倾向,但网民的社会心理实质上具有“他人导向自我中心”的“亚文化”特征。也就是说,网民的舆情表达既零散纷乱又呈现出群体极化特征。Which of the following hotels provides the opportunity to check in before the guests physically come to the hotel through a mobiWhich of the following is an application designed to simplify the employees’ lives and to increase company effectiveness.《出埃及记》中的主要人物是亚伯拉罕。()关于用户列表控制器实现下面描述正确的是?幼儿生长发育的一般规律包括( )。学前儿童的膳食应以流质、半流质为主。针对内容我们可以做以下那种操作?下列构成偷税罪的情节是( )。被假释的犯罪分子,在假释考验期内,有下列情形( )的,应当撤销假释。从康熙五十八年至嘉庆二十五年是清戏史上的()。事故严重度用事故后果的损失结果表示。
