Before you travel to the Africa and the Middle East Area, it is suggested that you do the following things EXCEPT ___________.

lk2024-11-27  3

题目:Before you travel to the Africa and the Middle East Area, it is suggested that you do the following things EXCEPT ___________.

A. get inoculations

B. prepare some medicines

C. bring sunscreen and insect repellent

D. take guns



透明血栓常见于Conventions enjoy the most popularity in North American countries in winter because there are many winter events in this period 意见领袖最早是由传播学者( )在20世纪40年代提出的。一般来说,网络舆情可以分为三种类型,即()。Which of the following is not a hotel-specific application?我国的信访按内容可以分为三类,即参与类、求决类和诉讼类。常常见到肉眼可见的石中石,我们认为是属于()观赏石。我国春秋战国时期用()一词来表示奇石,这一名称出自战国时期的地理著作《尚书•禹贡》。位于西西里岛的希腊城邦是()。However, some chefs see the stars as the ultimate recognition, others as a burden on their industry, pretentious and exclusive.Since the World War II, cars become the dominant transport mode for most types of tourism.古中国历史记载中的“安息国”是()。下列各项中,应当附加剥夺政治权利的有( )。纳兰性德爱情词的特点是( )习近平总书记强调:“中国开放的大门只会越开越大,永远不会关上!”我们将坚定不移全面扩大开放,发展更高水平( ),不断以中国新发展为世界提供新机遇。在安全评价的过程中,常用( )的模式分析企业风险。安全评价工作开展较早的国家是( )。焊割作业发生火灾事故的一般原因( )。注册会计师在向社会公众传递信息时,只要做到客观即可。爆炸和火灾的显著的区别是爆炸会造成( )的急剧升高。
