A2. Read the passage and select one word for each blank. A. unavoidably B. transition C. enormous D. radical E. Meanwhile F. def

lk2024-11-22  2

题目:A2. Read the passage and select one word for each blank. A. unavoidably B. transition C. enormous D. radical E. Meanwhile F. definitely G. adulthood H. traditional I. tend J. resent The odyssey years refer to a life stage that young people have to go through. It's described as an unsteady or fluid journey that young people need to take before they enter 1 . The contemporary generation, also called pre-adults, adolescents, the lost generation, extended adolescents or emerging adults, are living in a society full of 2 changes. They graduated into one of the worst economies in decades, saddled with 3 pressure. According to a news report, half of recent college graduates are unemployed or underemployed with low-wage service jobs. Research shows that young people, with prideful attitudes, 4 to be more depressed and less motivated if they are underemployed for just nine months. Since they usually 5 competitive pressure, they often resort to heavy drinking to help distract them from their pain and stress. 6 , they act with rebellious behaviors, keep a distance from their parents, or even run away from home. In this 7 phase, many young people unfortunately underestimate the satisfaction that comes from joining the working world. During this unavoidable stage of their life, they are moving back home, going back to school or embracing unpaid internships as new starter jobs. Lacking 8 aspirations, they are marrying later and starting families still later. However, they 9 enjoy having fun. Obviously, in this unique phase, many young people think real life starts later, but they are actually falling behind. They don't really understand that they are 10 facing peculiar challenges and dealing with a phenomenon that is a matter of choice in many cases.



当多个用户共享一台网络打印机时,打印作业均存放在打印服务器的 中。(2019年高考真题)WWW服务也称为Web服务,采用的是________________工作模式。计算机网络中,分层和协议的集合成为计算机网络的( )。对等网络的主要优点是网络成本低、网络配置不复杂和( )。天火的四种方法是:().对某社区进行评估,取得以下资料:“该社区的住宅楼道拥挤,堆积大量杂物,安全通道不畅,消防设备缺少,周围配套生活设施也不完备,多散乱存在且无统一管理。”这是评估以下哪项社区地理环境中的内容建设工程规定合理使用寿命期,体现了建设工程质量的( )特性。是否尊重人民的主体地位,是否承认人民群众创造历史的主体作用,是区别唯物史观和唯心史观的根本标志。党的十八大以来,人民在改革发展中的获得感、幸福感、安全感显著提升,( )得到极大重视和现实实现。试描述“药物的半衰期”在个体化给药中的作用?TDM测血药浓度的主要依据是因为血药浓度下列关于糖皮质激素的药物相互作用,不正确的是( )同治时期的阿鲁特皇后最后选择了自杀。()甲氨蝶呤抗肿瘤的主要机制是运输大型齿轮时,可以用手扶住齿轮避免齿轮滑动。()网络中的计算机可分为服务器和__________两种。某台计算机的IP地址192.168.10.5,子网掩码是255.255.255.254,则该计算机的网络号是( )。构建人类命运共同体思想,其核心就是“建设( )、( )、( )、( )、( )的世界”。我们学科的正式的学术名称,是 ______ 。传播理论中,哪一种模式强调传播过程中的双向性和反馈机制?
