The main idea of Para. 4:

lk2025-03-14  3

题目:The main idea of Para. 4:

A. Try your best to help your customers.

B. Customers like surprises.

C. Customers like the feeling of being cared.



A: Here you are,100 yuan. B: Thanks.[填空 ]. Next one, please.学前儿童安全教育的方法有哪些( )Situation: A is talking to the waiter. —Waiter, _____ — Wait a minute, Sir. That’s $80 altogether.. Situation: Two persons are talking about their boss. Speaker A: What do you think of your boss? Speaker B: __________.减数分裂的结果是基因组合形式减少。()短期国债通常称为 ( )。有权撤销国务院行政法规的主体是( )...should help reduce the stigma ((耻辱) and _____ experienced by many people with obesity.There are several hidden factors that can _____ affect a team's attitude.A wide _____ of colours and patterns are available.The woman started have coughing problems when she was 7 or 8 years old. For 14 years, she made ______hospital visits.An average runners live three years longer than non-runners and that running does more to _____ life than any other form of exer旋转命令可以不必在在草绘中画出中心线,也能完成旋转命令。下列哪一项不是低钾血症的原因?预算定额和概算定额的关系表述正确的是( )。裸根大树挖掘适用于移植容易成活,胸径在10-20cm 的落叶乔木。( )任何人都不能独占专用,这是指公共品的( )。邓某,女性,32岁。因甲状腺功能亢进入院,准备择期接受甲状腺大部分切除术治疗。T 36.5℃, P 104次分,R 18次,BP 12075mmHg。 术前进行药物准备的主要目的是 (1分)邹某,女性,29岁。跳绳时不慎扭伤左踝关节4小时,局部肿胀,疼痛。局部制动的方法 (1分)乙脑的主要传染源是 (1分)
