This house built in 1904 was designed and built for local _____ and his family.

lk2025-03-14  10

题目:This house built in 1904 was designed and built for local _____ and his family.

A. enterprise

B. entrepreneur

C. minister

D. reproducer



水土保持林的作用是防止水土流失,涵养水分,固持和改良土壤调节小气候,减轻自然灾害。( )以下哪种教学方法最符合立德树人的理念?( )党的二十大报告明确指出,“育人的根本在于立德”。以下哪一项最能体现立德对于育人的重要性( )下列领导人连续任职不得超过两届的有马克思主义自然观认为,自然界的变化受人类活动的影响。单纯扩散、易化扩散和泵的转运共同点是( )细胞膜内、外正常的Na<sup>+和K<sup>+浓度差的形成和维持是 ( )政策与法律发生冲突时,法律应该服从政策。( )2 ( )是没有得到某些基本满足的感受状态。它是人类与生俱来的。 A欲望 B产品 C需要 D需求. I can’t find the key to my office. I ______ have lost it on my way home.A: Are you following me? B:______学前儿童安全教育的方法有哪些( ). Situation: Two persons are talking on the street. Speaker A:_____________________ Speaker B:Turn left at the second light and 只要选择具有速生丰产特性的树种和好的造林地,并加强抚育保护,就一定能营造出速生丰产林。( )Foreign embassies do nothing to help promote exporting.You gave a great _____ sketch in the beginning.I hate people who ________ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before.If you want to know the train schedule, please ________ at the booking office.标注两个圆的距离尺寸时,在操作时必须要选择两个圆的圆心,不能选在圆的轮廓线上。solidworks旋转视图的方法是
