For the youngest learners, it means they are more likely to get exposed to different _____of play and communication.

lk2025-03-14  6

题目:For the youngest learners, it means they are more likely to get exposed to different _____of play and communication.

A. various

B. varieties

C. varied

D. variable



土石坝坝体和坝基土体中部分颗粒被渗流水带走的现象为( )马克思主义自然观认为,人类对自然界的改造活动应该( )。水准测量中,使前、后视距相等可以消除( )等产生的影响。体育教学方法从其内涵上来讲,具有广义和狭义之分。广义的体育教学方法,包含三个层次:体育教学策略、体育教学技术和( )。2 ( )是没有得到某些基本满足的感受状态。它是人类与生俱来的。 A欲望 B产品 C需要 D需求. This study has found some key factors_________ employees' stress in their work.对勘察、设计单位的管理水平,重点考查()必需氨基酸有( )平均值的置信区间与( )有关。. Situation: Two persons are talking about their work. Speaker A: How long have you been in the new position? Speaker B: _______中国人民抗日战争开端的标志是什么?通风结构林带一般由几行乔木组成,没有下木。其按透光孔隙分布,具有两个明显的层次。( )Passage 7 In today’s society, working people can seldom find time to relax themselves in their busy schedules. They often work o减数分裂的结果是基因组合形式减少。()关于违法的正确表述是( )The work was carried out at _____ cost.So, fuel economy and environmental _____ make a lot of sense if you care about such things, of course.Television_____ Audrey Morrissey, executive producer of NBC’s The Voice, is always looking for what will make a person or story Shakespeare’s date of death is _____ known, however: it was April 23, 1616.剧烈呕吐的患者如果只补5%葡萄糖液,结果最易发生哪种水、电解质代谢紊乱?
