贾谊在礼与法关系问题上主张( )。

lk2025-03-14  2

题目:贾谊在礼与法关系问题上主张( )。

A. 礼法结合,礼义为先

B. 礼法结合,法治为本

C. 崇礼拜法

D. 崇法排礼



中国共产党在( )制定了民主革命纲领。下列各项中,不属于银行的是( )。A: Robbie, we'll go fishing soon, and we'll take your dad with us. B: I'm ready, Grandpa. ______.A: Why did your boss shout at you? B:[填 空]. He was just in a bad mood.以下哪些属偶然误差( ). Situation: Two persons are talking about their boss. Speaker A: What do you think of your boss? Speaker B: __________.巴洛克风格一般不会体现为()形式。贴现贷款最突出的特点是自偿性。对行政诉讼判决不服的上诉期限为( )中华人民共和国的成立,标志着半殖民地半封建社会的结束和社会主义社会在全国范围内的建立。 ( )反推力装置有蚌壳型和 两种。认为法律解释的目标应当是“探求历史上的立法者事实上的意思”的观点被称为( )There are several hidden factors that can _____ affect a team's attitude.People who are interesting are _____ curious, she says...., and three days was a _____ amount of time to wait before baptizing a newly born baby.In one study, researchers compared participants’ ability to learn new words after several minutes of____ running, and after 40 mAccording to the official news agency, Russian _____ have recovered more than 170 gold bars weighing 20 kilograms each.医学读片时很小的变化,视觉上机器往往能够观察到,而人类观察不出来。()If the amount does not exceed certain limit, the taxpayer will be fined_____ as much as the amount.如果所有的社会成员都成为“免费搭车者”,最后的结果是公共品的提供为零。
