Experts say this can have an_____ on young children whose understanding of gender roles and identity are rapidly forming.

lk2025-03-14  6

题目:Experts say this can have an_____ on young children whose understanding of gender roles and identity are rapidly forming.

A. implicit

B. implication

C. impact

D. implement



坝高50m的土石坝属于( )马克思主义自然观认为,自然界的变化是( )。A: Can I take a message? I'll let Mr.Liu know as soon as he comes back. B:______.下列各项中,( )属于按照税收的征收权限和收入支配权进行分类的。元朝诸色户计制度一旦确定就需世袭充任,不能随意更动。. The work seemed easy at first but it _________to be quite difficult.下列不能提出刑事复议复核申请的是( )。关于侦查终结,以下说法错误的是( )。薪炭林树种应选择造林材料丰富,育苗造林技术简单易掌握的树种。( )Passage 3 Lily is 70 years old and she takes care of her 91-year-old mother. She told us about caring for her mother. I wake up 营造速生丰产用材林必须选用良种壮苗。( )人体当中最小的内分泌腺是()。一、三号院的研修间与研讨室均需要预约后使用贷款利率政策是我国信贷政策的一个重要组成部分 。下列选项中,属于可诉性行政行为的是( )At the time, most large homes were constructed of timber and brick. This one, however, is made of ______, a novel construction m要想作出过平面样条曲线上某点且与样条曲线相切的基准轴,必须先作出过该点且与该平面样条曲线垂直的基准平面。设随机变量( X )服从区间(0,2)上的均匀分布,则(P(X^2>2) )=()设离散型随机变量(X)也将糖触杆状 [ F(x)=left{ begin{aligned} 0 &,& x < -1 \ 0.4 &,& -1 leq x < 1 欧几里得证明勾股定理的方式被称为()。
