...but it will benefit healthcare providers and the pharmaceutical(制药的)industry when health insurance and clinical guidelines __

lk2025-03-14  4

题目:...but it will benefit healthcare providers and the pharmaceutical(制药的)industry when health insurance and clinical guidelines _____ treatment with drugs and surgery...

A. process

B. promote

C. profit

D. property



A: Would you rather watch TV or go for a walk? B: The TV program is good today.[填 空] A: Cool. Let's go.A: This meal is on me. ______. B: Thanks, but isn't it my turn to treat you?学校主要职责就是把智育教育放在首位,不断提高教师教学水平,促进学生成绩不断提高。( )1 下列( )属于虚体产品。头目作业法是在树干一定高度处把树干截断,使断面附近萌生枝条,长到预定的规格时,砍伐利用。( ). The work seemed easy at first but it _________to be quite difficult.A: I thought you were working until 6:30.B: 填空], but we finished our meeting at 5:30 and were let go.Situation: A is talking to the waiter. —Waiter, _____ — Wait a minute, Sir. That’s $80 altogether.清末修律中礼法两派分歧的根本点在于( )。货币层次的划分主要是以( )作为标准。Foreign embassies provide both programs and _______ to promote foreign trade.Being authentic, honest, and _____is always interesting....and my feelings about that morning’s political headlines neither amusing nor _____ topics at that moment.All these issues have been _____ researched in recent years.An average runners live three years longer than non-runners and that running does more to _____ life than any other form of exer高血压病血压持续升高最重要的原因solidworks中的方程式幼林阶段林地杂草较多,施肥应与化学除草剂的施用结合起来比较好。( )社会公共需要的特征有( )。慢性支气管炎根据临床类型可以分为 (1分)
