Yet the widespread view is that obesity is self-induced and that it is entirely the individual's_____ to do something about

lk2025-03-14  3

题目:Yet the widespread view is that obesity is self-induced and that it is entirely the individual's_____ to do something about it.

A. responsibility

B. responsibile

C. qualification

D. acquisition



在误差理论中,绝对值较小的误差比绝对值较大的误差( )。A: Mr. Wang, I'm very much impressed. There's no need for further questions. B:[填 .科学游戏活动是科学教育的途径之一,它是指运用____和有关的图片、玩具等物品,进行带有____性质的操作活动,是对幼儿进行科学教育的一种有效方法。2018 年,教育部印发的《普通高等学校本科专业类教学质量国家标准》中正式将( )确定为体育教育专业核心课程和体育学类其他专业的选修课程。在施工过程的质量控制中,工程施工预检是指()A: I'm keen on researching my family history. B:______1978年8月,党的十三大召开前夕,邓小平明确指出,我们党的十三大要阐述中国社会主义是处在一个( )阶段。Passage 3 Lily is 70 years old and she takes care of her 91-year-old mother. She told us about caring for her mother. I wake up 在法律解释中,从传统的角度,民法法系国家比较趋向于( )图线框用什么线画If' you are a very _____ person, this could be a little difficult at first....whose _____ includes trust and well-being, mindfulness, and humanistic management.You gave a great _____ sketch in the beginning.大学生要积极进取,不能( )。Jane is calling Arthur to order desk units.机器动作产生过程是对外部环境进行感知与理解,继而做出何种运动的判断。()与动脉粥样硬化症发生关系最密切的血浆脂蛋白是某肾盂肾炎患者血气分析结果为:pH7.32,PaCO2 30mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa), HCO3- 15mmolL, 可诊断为(2)、$P(|X|>1)$随布脏( )是编制扩大初步设计阶段设计概算、确定建设项目投资额的依据。。
