For whatever the value of any individual _____, the general body of work is of immense value to everyone.

lk2025-03-14  4

题目:For whatever the value of any individual _____, the general body of work is of immense value to everyone.

A. consumption

B. distribution

C. contribution

D. accumulation



A: Mr. Wang, I'm very much impressed. There's no need for further questions. B:[填 .施工生产会受到不可避免的偶然性因素的影响,下列属于偶然性因素的是()A: Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the tube?B: Turn right around the corner and then walk one block up. ______.A: I thought you were working until 6:30.B: 填空], but we finished our meeting at 5:30 and were let go.A: How long can I keep the book? B:[填空 ].制定并发布《国家基本医疗保险、工伤保险和生育保险药品目录》的部门是在下列哪种状态时机体处于正氮平衡 ( )氟骨病和氟斑牙主要是由于( )的原因造成的Situation: Matt inquires Nancy. Matt: Must I register tomorrow? Nancy: No, you ________. You can go next week.清朝后期,曾相当深刻批判幕僚专擅司法权力的思想家是( )。评估成人意识状况正确的做法为()干旱区、半干旱区、热带亚热带岩溶地区、干热(干旱)河谷等生态环境脆弱地带,造林成活率( )为合格。A4图纸的基本幅面是...should help reduce the stigma ((耻辱) and _____ experienced by many people with obesity.Your working day will need to be organized with military_____ .In one study, researchers compared participants’ ability to learn new words after several minutes of____ running, and after 40 msolidworks区别于其他三维CAD系统的主要特点是额定值“220V、100W”和“220V、25W”的白炽灯两盏,把它们串联以后接入220V的工频交流电源上,其亮度情况是( )。设离散型随机变量(X)也将糖触杆状 [ F(x)=left{ begin{aligned} 0 &,& x < -1 \ 0.4 &,& -1 leq x < 1 下列属于选择与设计学前儿童科学游戏原则的是( )
