He did not go to university and at age 18 married Anne Hathaway, who was eight years his_____.

lk2025-03-14  5

题目:He did not go to university and at age 18 married Anne Hathaway, who was eight years his_____.

A. sensor

B. senior

C. session

D. strength



马克思主义自然观认为,自然界的变化是有( )的。1977年2月7日,一篇题为()的社论发表于《人民日报》《红旗》杂志和《解放军报》,公开提出“两个凡是”方针。( )在对《向海·香海》勾画长线时,手要稳。正常状态下,细胞外分布最多的离子是( )。刑法上的因果关系研究的是对行为与结果本身和行为与结果间的引起与被引起的关系。体育课程既是情感教育的有效情境,又是身体教育的有效手段,还是智育教育的重要途径,也是( )得重要方式。A: Bill told me he could not come here because his father was ill.B:______A: Honey, there is little milk in the fridge. B: ______A: I didn't know you play basketball. Are you having fun? B: I'm having a great time. 填空]What are you doing?A: Is there anything I can do for you? B:[填 空], there is something.减肥时也需要摄入适量的碳水化合物,这是因为碳水化合物具有( )隋唐时期贯彻“务在宽简,取便于时”原则的法典是( )。如果一篇论文是热点论文,则一定也是高被引论文彩灯设计中用到的素材被用于商业开发,不需要提前与版权方取得联系,获得相关法律授权。Research has found that having _____ to diverse teachers is beneficial for children....many of the male educators surveyed in the study reported facing social or cultural resistance in their _____as early educati自然语言是人造语言,是一种为某些特定目的而创造的语言。()What is the deadline for individual income tax?下列低容量性低钠血症对机体的影响,哪项是不正确的?一导体球外充满相对电容率为e<sub>r的均匀电介质,若测得导体表面附近场强为E,则导体球面上的自由电荷面密度s为:
