Passage 7 In today’s society, working people can seldom find time to relax themselves in their busy schedules. They often work o

lk2025-03-14  5

题目:Passage 7 In today’s society, working people can seldom find time to relax themselves in their busy schedules. They often work overtime because of too much work waiting in queue, which ends up causing a lot of physical and mental problems. However, more people are now aware that relaxation and stress-relief are necessary for life. One’s health should never be sacrificed for a need to work hard. Indeed, finding time to relax makes people work more efficiently. Many people plan trips to spend their free time travelling with their loved ones. This may have been a luxury in the past, but it has become more common in recent years. Travelling at home and abroad has now become convenient and affordable. Going jogging and going to the gym have also become more popular, as they are rather convenient ways to exercise and stay fit. Exercising helps relax your body and has been shown to relieve mental stress as well. This demand for recreation and leisure service has also stimulated the economy, as new businesses are created to meet these needs. In sum, working hard is important, but having a good quality of life can actually facilitate your success at work. Knowing when and how to relax should be a part of well-balanced lifestyle. Take a walk outdoors, visit the gym, or go jogging. You will find that your time was not wasted, even if it was not spent working in your office. 1.In today’s society, working people can often find time to relax themselves in their busy schedules. A.T B. F 2.In the past few people might afford travelling. A.T B.F 3.The demand for recreation and leisure service has made the economy develop. A.T B.F 4.Exercising can only help relax your body. A.T B.F 5.People should take a balance between work and relaxation. A.T B.F

A. ["A","B"]

B. ["A","B"]

C. ["A","B"]

D. ["A","B"]

E. ["A","B"]



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