Both China and Japan exhibit similar attitudes among their youth. Both men and women are marriage and having children, and a sig

lk2025-01-30  6

题目:Both China and Japan exhibit similar attitudes among their youth. Both men and women are marriage and having children, and a significant number of individuals have no desire to marry at all. Women now value the freedom that comes with being unmarried, prioritize their careers and independence and reject the burdens traditionally associated with being a housewife. Governments are worried because these personal choices will have a impact on the countries in the long run. The declining marriage rates in both China and Japan contribute to a looming characterized by a shrinking and aging population. Such a demographic shift is bad for economic growth and places a significant burden on the healthcare and social welfare systems. In response to these concerns, both governments have urged and encouraged people to marry and have children. However, addressing this issue will require time and concerted efforts.



一对夫妇,夫为泰国人,要为英国人。丈夫在中国逝世后,妻子要求中国法院判决丈夫在中国的遗产归其所有。判断妻子对其夫财产的权利是基于夫妻财产关系的权利还是妻子对丈夫的继承权利的问题在国际私法上被称为什么? ( )(北京师范大学,2013)假设总体中国人每周锻炼的次数平均值为2,标准差是0.55,那么样本量是36的平均数的标准差为()在心理发展中,哪些因素可能影响个体的道德发展?投射测验不包括以下哪项?在社会知觉中,根据一件事进入脑海的容易程度来做出判断的心理法则被称为什么?中国历史上第一部具有宪法性质的法律文件是?( )需要层次理论是由哪位心理学家提出的?下列与库存现金业务有关的职责,可以不分离的是()按照融资方式不同,工程项目资金筹措可分为( )。国内立法不是国际私法的渊源。下列属于数量指标指数的有()。国际民事案件诉讼管辖权直接影响当事人的合法权益。下列关于样本量的描述,正确的是()。萨克斯管的发明者是(中山大学,2005)单选:如果一个变量的所有数据均相而第二个变量的数据是规律性变化的,那么这两个变量之间的相关将接近于()下面属于统计分析方法的是( )德尔菲法的特点是( )(华东师范大学,2020)IQ=100+15Z。现有一位受测量者的智商达到平均数以上1.2个标准差,其IQ应为()(北京师范大学,2016)在某考试中,小明的语数的均分是80,英语是75。已知全班三科平均分是65,语文标准差是10,数学标准差是15,英语标准差是5。全班的三个分数按照离散程度由大到小进行排列的结果是()Many people agree that __ knowledge of English is a must in __ international trade today.
