在Pubmed数据库中采用主题途经检索近五年时间有关乳腺癌(英文:breast cancer主题词:breast neoplasms)手术治疗的相关文献,以下检索策略正确的是( )

lk2025-01-14  2

题目:在Pubmed数据库中采用主题途经检索近五年时间有关乳腺癌(英文:breast cancer主题词:breast neoplasms)手术治疗的相关文献,以下检索策略正确的是( )

A. breast cancer[ti] AND surgery[ti] publisd in the last 5 years

B. Breast Neoplasms/surgery[Mesh] publisd in the last 5 years

C. Breast Neoplasms [Mesh] publisd in the last 5 years

D. breast cancer surgery[ti] publisd in the last 5 years



琥珀胆碱是一种肌松药,它属于( )。参与体内药物生物转化的酶主要是6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶缺乏的患者使用磺胺甲噁唑后发生溶血反应,此反应与下列因素有关的是()。Almost all the TV viewers were deeply impressed by Titanic’s huge mass and her ruined splendor of a lost age.The true intellectuals left for Europe forever because they were not satisfied with their native country.在放射性实验废弃物处置途径中,浓缩贮存(也被称为永久处置)是指使废弃物与环境隔绝起来。()人工喂养的婴儿最好选择下列哪种食物。 ( )平衡膳食是指( )锌最好的食物来源为 ( )高血压患者膳食需要限制摄入的矿物质是 ( )The process for making yellow tea is similar to that of green but with an added step of encasing and steaming the tea.26岁女性,1年前查体发现左卵巢囊肿。今晨起突发左下腹痛,伴恶心、呕吐。妇科检查:扪及左下腹肿物,有压痛,蒂部明显,首选处理葡萄胎行清宫术时,下列哪项处理是不正确的28岁,人工流产术后不规则阴道出血3个月,经2次刮宫术均未见明显妊娠残留组 织,亦末送病检,B超子宫增大如孕2个月,宫底部3×4cm结节,内部回声杂乱,伴 部分强回声,首先应考虑的诊断是子宫内膜异位症大多数位于盆腔内,最常见的侵犯部位是:下列哪项病史与FGR无关诗无论是言志还是抒情,都是作者集体无意识的活动。()苏东坡的作品中既有诗的美感,又有词的美感的是()。A Chinese Commerce Ministry trade negotiatorsaid that Beijing __________the unilateral trade actions by the U.S. and won’t negotThe main road through little bury was blocked for three hours today after an accident __ two lorries.
