阅读Passage One,回答B-16到B-20五个问题。请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入题干空白处的最佳选项。 Passage One Letter One April 10, 2019 Dear Sir, We have read your

lk2025-01-08  3

题目:阅读Passage One,回答B-16到B-20五个问题。请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入题干空白处的最佳选项。 Passage One Letter One April 10, 2019 Dear Sir, We have read your advertisement in International Trade and are glad to know that you are one of the leading exporters of silk blouses (短上衣,女衬衫)in China. We are interested in the goods and would like to be informed of the details of your various types, including sizes, colors and prices. We are a large dealer in silk garments(服装), having over 15 years’ experience in this particular line of business. Silk blouses of good quality and moderate prices command a good sale in our market. When replying, please state the terms of payment and the discounts you would allow on a regular purchase of over 100 dozen items. We look forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, D. Johnson Letter Two April 20, 2019 Dear Sir, We are pleased to receive you inquiry of April 10 , and thank you for your interest in our products. We are glad to tell you that we are in a position to supply the items inquired. We are confident that the superior material and exquisite(精致的)craftsmanship of our silk blouses appeal to the most selective buyers. On regular purchases of over 100 dozen items a discount of 3% is granted. If you place your order no later than the end of this week, we would guarantee a prompt delivery within 20 days, and demand you payment by sight L/C. Enclosed is a quotation sheet and a copy of illustrated catalogue giving the details you ask for. As the market is showing an upward tendency, it is profitable for you to place an order immediately. We look forward to your first order. Yours faithfully, Wang Fan B-16. According to the passage, the buyer wants to purchase _____.

A. 100 dozen silk blouses

B. less than 100 dozen silk blouses

C. over 100 dozen blouses

D. over 100 dozen items of silk blouses



CPSR中的低8位称为控制位,其中I位等于1表示( ).2012年原国家卫生部颁发的《卫生部关于实施医院护士岗位管理的指导意见》指出,新生儿监护病房护患比为?下面哪一项是价值理性和工具理性失去平衡的结果?()尿路造影显示两肾位置较低,肾轴由外上斜向内下,肾盂位于腹侧,而肾盏指向背侧,两肾上极或下极且多为下极相互融合,最可能的诊断是MRI矢状面显示子宫前壁向外局限性隆起的是在人居环境方面,下列哪项不是生物多样性可以提供的作用。本实验使用的牛顿环装置由以下哪几部分构成关闭文件用()函数。十进制的192.25转换为二进制数是( )。账户的四个金额要素之间的关系可用下面的等式表示:期末余额=期初余额+本期增加发生额-本期减少发生额。( )材料的搜集整理是学术论文写作过程中不可或缺的环节,材料搜集整理要贯彻穷尽性原则。诉讼文书有三大类:( )。患者,老年女性。主诉头痛,呕吐半小时,到急诊科就诊。分诊护十可采用的问诊模式为男,18岁,车祸致伤,意识模糊,咯血,口鼻均有泥沙夹血外溢,呼吸困难,烦躁不安,左胸严重擦伤,肿胀,心率98次分,血压12090mmHg,此时最紧迫的抢救措施是长城防御工事包括:镇城、路城、卫城、所城、关 城、堡城、关口、敌台、墙台、城墙、烟墩等不同等级、 不同种类、不同形式和不同用途的建筑物。莲花池,是北京城最早的水源地,是蓟城的水源命脉之所在。护理学课程模式的分类结构可分为表示试卷无区分度,又过分难,应该放弃不用的是创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)持续的警觉性增高,哪一项是不正确的小肝癌确诊的首选方法是
