(15选10)注意:只需填写选项字母 (要大写!),不要输入选项单词! Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the

lk2025-01-07  8

题目:(15选10)注意:只需填写选项字母 (要大写!),不要输入选项单词! Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. Each word can be used only once. A. reduction B. weld C. involved D. levy E. approaches F. enhance G. lightweight H. reason i. deduction J. relationships K. emancipate L. participating M. productivity N. generating O. achieved To invest in women's education and health is important for the overall welfare of the human society. The 1) for saying so is obvious, that is, women are playing important roles in modern society. The politicians who 2) taxes should know that women contribute to 40 percent of the world's production in agriculture, a quarter in industry, and a third in services. Women farmers in the developing countries grow at least 50 percent of the world's food. In addition to 3) income, women continue to take responsibilities for household activities such as childcare, cleaning and preparing food, which are sometimes not as 4) and easy as generally thought. Yet women's productivity remains low. Improving women's productivity can greatly benefit economic growth and poverty 5) , which are key development goals around the world. Hence, to 6) women's status is a vital part of the World Bank's strategy for broadly based economic and human resource development. To improve women's welfare calls for the efforts of both women and men. If long-term change in the conditions of women is to be 7) , the actions and attitudes of men must change, rather than simply to 8) women from old conventions. Problems affecting women are often closely related to the social 9) between men and women. For example, it is impossible to deal with women's health problems effectively through 10) that involve only women. Many women's health problems are embedded in unequal gender relation in work loads, responsibilities for family welfare, as well as access to resources and decision-making.



关于孕期卫生,下列哪能项是错误的?下列关于演示法的陈述那一项是错误的()以下有关教案的叙述哪项不准确:()个案研究是下列哪一种临床教学方法的表现形式()选择教学媒体的正确观点是()属于“认知领域”常用的行为动词是()国际护士会将每年的5月12日定为护士节,因为这一天是()肌内小剂量注射选用上臂三角肌时,其注射区是()在20世纪初民主革命思想传播过程中发表《驳康有为论革命书》一文的是下列物质含量异常可作为痛风诊断指证的是以下哪一位是晚清时期首位驻外公使:()国家垄断资本主义的产生,是垄断资本主义生产关系在自身范围内的部分质变,但它并没有根本改变垄断资本主义的性质,在本质上维护的仍是资本主义制度( )。利益理论是指遵守法律是因为它的权威性。学前儿童数学教育的具体方法,要根据教育的目标、内容和学前儿童的年龄特点来选择。不同的活动内容会有不同的方法,同一个活动内容也可采用多种方法,具体有( )。时域瞬态分析具有()和()的特点。振动电堆焊的焊层质量好,焊后可不进行机械加工。线性化是有条件的,必须注意线性化方程适用的工作范围。患者女,30岁,下腹痛伴头晕、乏力1小时入院,腹痛呈剧烈胀痛、钝痛,无放射及转移,伴头晕、乏力、心慌、出冷汗。查体:血压8050mmHg,腹肌紧张,全腹压痛、反跳痛,肠鸣音减弱。血色素50gL。该患者腹痛最有可能( )将公司的产品在目标国家之外制造,然后运往目标国家市场,这种进入国际市场模式称( )。对方报价后第一次运用的讨价策略是( )
