阅读Passage Three,回答D-26到D-30三个问题。请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入题干空白处的最佳选项。 Passage Three We have created a special rate that will let you t

lk2024-12-29  2

题目:阅读Passage Three,回答D-26到D-30三个问题。请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入题干空白处的最佳选项。 Passage Three We have created a special rate that will let you travel actually thousands of miles on your vacation at no extra cost. In most of our US and Canadian offices, we'll rent you cars of high quality for seven days for $ 99. You can drive as far as you like without paying us a penny over the $ 99 as long as you return the car to the city from which you rented it. Insurance(保险) is included, gas is not. If you rent the car in Florida or in California, the rate is the same, but you can return the car to any city in the state. If you'd like some suggestions on what to do with the car once you've got it, we have driving and touting guides for almost every part of the country. No matter which rate you choose, the company comes at no extra cost. You don't just rent a car. You rent a company! D-26. According to the advertisement, $ 99 is the rate offered for _____.

A. traveling a limited distance

B. renting a car for seven days

C. hiring a driving guide

D. driving within a state



长久处在情绪痛苦中,甚至有自伤行为说明当事人可能出现了心理困境。()合金的收缩可分为三个阶段:液态收缩、凝固收缩和 。气焊是利用气体燃烧热作为热源的一种( )方法。灰口铸铁的力学性能特点是“抗压不抗拉”。( )下列关于肉芽组织及其作用的描述不正确的是( )下肢静脉曲张的患者的下肢溃疡不易愈合的主要原因是( )中国相对于印度的优势之一在于中国有相对完整的现代化工业体系。( )实习使用的3D打印操作软件up在调整模型时,如果模型过于悬空应使用( )命令。主轴转速指令S后的数字的单位为( )。1976年粉碎哪一集团的胜利,挽救了中国共产党和中国的社会主义事业专用夹具常用于批量生产中,这种说法( )。普通铣削与数控铣削的主要区别在于,普通铣削只能用是手动加工,数控铣削可以用自动加工,这种说法( )。铣床纵向、横向和升降进给的(最小)每一刻度代表着0.05mm( )。心跳骤停时最迅速最容易开展的急救措施是?患儿,男,8岁。2周前患化脓性扁桃体炎。眼睑水肿,尿少3天,尿呈茶色,血压150100mmHg。化验检查:尿蛋白(+++),尿中大量红细胞。血常规:红细胞3.0X10",血红蛋白100gL,ASO增高。此患儿最可能的疾病是?我国民族问题的实质是( )用于描述正态分布的计量资料型数据集中趋势的统计学指标是随机抽取一只灯泡,观察其使用寿命t,其样本空间Ω=攻丝需要倒转以利排屑,钻孔则没有必要倒转排屑 ( )车床的转速越高,则进给量也越大,这种说法( )。
