以下程序段为死循环的是( ) A for(int x=0;x<3;) {x++;} B int k=0; do{++k}while(k>=0) C int a=5; while(a) {a--;} D int i=3; for(

lk2024-11-06  17

题目:以下程序段为死循环的是( ) A for(int x=0;x<3;) {x++;} B int k=0; do{++k}while(k>=0) C int a=5; while(a) {a--;} D int i=3; for(; i ; i--)

A. for(int x=0;x<3;) {x++;}

B. int k=0; do{++k}while(k>=0)

C. int a=5; while(a) {a--;}

D. int i=3; for(; i ; i--)



竞争性拮抗药能可逆地与激动药竞争相同的受体结合,使激动药的量效曲线平行右移,最大效应不变不可用于平喘的药物是热释电红外传感器是由具有极化现象的___________或称“铁电体”制作而成。Body weight training makes use of your body weight as well as barbells, dumbbells, and the like. ( )Indoor cycling used to be a popular fitness exercises. ( )The function of qigong is similar to that of taijiquan in that both of them are aimed at ensuring the smooth flow of qi.The chief purpose of taijiquan is to increase the amount of qi and thus improve the body's strength.关于产品成本核算,下列各项说法正确的有()。VO2R=VO2max(最大摄氧量)-VO2rest(安静摄氧量)对于单个齿轮来说,节圆半径就等于分度圆半径。( ) 答案.错 解析.无在内源性抗原降解中发挥重要作用的是 ( )机体对药物按照一级或零级消除动力学方式进行消除主要取决于药物的种类。The signs of shock during the termination of a fever are原植物属于杜仲科的药材是下列()不是优秀博士论文的要求设单链表中指针p指向结点ai,若要删除ai之后的结点(若存在),则需修改指针的操作为( )下面哪个不是顺序存储的特点( )。当一个顺序表插入一个元素时。从插入位置开始向后的所有元素均需( )一个位置。在线性表(a1,a2,a3,.....an)中,a1的前驱是( )。一棵深度为5的满二叉树,有( )个分支结点(难度系数:易 )
