
huan2024-07-10  17


1.What is the goal of constructing human settlements? ( )
A:To create a sustainable interactive relationship between people and animals
B:To create a sustainable interactive relationship between people and the external environment
C:To create a sustainable interactive relationship between people and machines
D:To create a sustainable interactive relationship between people and plants
2.What are some fields that life sciences discoveries have applications in?( )。
A:scientific research.
D:Health, agriculture, food science industries.
3.What percentage of the world’s population lives in urban areas? ( )
4.What are some problems that are exacerbated by increasing population density in urban environments? ( )
A:Poor air quality only.
B:waste-disposal problems.
C:High energy consumption only.
D:Insufficient water availability only.
5.The study of human settlements originated from urban planning. ( )
1.How many types of bacteria can be found in a spoonful of good soil?( )
2.How many soil layers typically make up mature soil?( )
3.What role does soil play in the carbon cycle?( )
A:Important water resource
B:Important carbon storage
C:Strengthening carbon sinks
D:Important energy source
4.What percentage of soil is made up of pores?( )
5.What are the three principal characteristics of light that affect plant growth? ( )
A:Concentration, spectrum, and time
B:Quantity, quality, and duration
C:Brightness, wavelength, and period
D:Intensity, color, and frequency

1.What is the proportion of the world’s population that will live in urban areas by 2050 according to the World Health Organization? ( )
2.What is the official term corresponding to the meaning of “megalopolis” in China? ( )
A:城市群 (city cluster)
B:城市带 (city belt)
C:城市圈 (city circle)
D:城市网 (city network)
3.What is the goal of urban ecology?( )
A:To study the natural environment in urban areas
B:To achieve a balance between human culture and rural areas
C:To study the culture of urban areas
D:To achieve a balance between human culture and the natural environment
4.What is green infrastructure?( )
A:Projects that draw from nature to achieve desired results
B:The flow of water occurring on the ground surface when excess rainwater, stormwater, meltwater, or other sources
C:Pipes, pumps, ditches, and detention ponds engineered by people to manage stormwater
D:The process of transplanting tree seedlings, generally for forestry, land reclamation, or landscaping purpose
5.What are some ways to support native biodiversity in cities?( )
A:Increasing the number of non-native species
B:Removing urban green spaces
C:Environmental remediation and species reintroduction
D:Building more high-density residential and commercial buildings

1.What is the purpose of ecological restoration?( )
A:To destroy ecosystems that have been degraded.
B:To create new ecosystems.
C:To replenish natural services provided by degraded ecosystems.
D:To prevent further loss of biodiversity.
2.What is the first stage of ecological restoration?( )
A:Rehabilitating substrates
B:Removing sources of disturbance
C:Formulating project goals
D:Assessing the site
3.What is phytodegradation?( )
A:The reduction of mobility of substances in the environment by limiting the leaching of substances from the soil.
B:The use of plants to remove contaminants from soil or water into harvestable plant biomass.
C:The use of plants or microorganisms to degrade organic pollutants in the soil or within the body of the plant.
D:The enhancement of soil microbial activity for the degradation of organic contaminants.
4.Which habitats are most critical for restoring ecology?( )
A:Biodiversity hotspots.
B:Coral reefs.
C:Coastal wetlands.
D:Temperate forests.
5.How long does ecological restoration take?( )
A:It takes only a few months for full recovery of the ecosystem.
B:It takes thousands of years for full recovery of the ecosystem.
C:It takes a few years for full recovery of the ecosystem.
D:It takes years, decades, or even hundreds of years for full recovery of the ecosystem.

1.What is urban agriculture?( )
A:The practice of cultivating, processing, and distributing food in rural areas.
B:The practice of cultivating, processing, and distributing food in suburban areas.
C:The practice of cultivating, processing, and distributing food in or around a village, town, or city.
D:The practice of cultivating, processing, and distributing food in remote areas.
2.What is a community garden?( )
A:A garden that is managed and maintained by a private organization.
B:A garden that is managed and maintained by a professional gardener.
C:A garden that is managed and maintained by the government.
D:A garden that is managed and maintained by a group of people individually or collectively.
3.What was the United States School Garden Army?( )
A:A program that taught children how to plant and cultivate gardens during World War
B:A program that taught children how to plant and cultivate gardens during the Great Depression.
C:A program that taught children how to plant and cultivate gardens during the OPEC crisis.
D:A program that taught children how to plant and cultivate gardens during World War II.
4.What is the most common type of community garden?( )
A:Neighborhood gardens.
B:Institutional Gardens.
C:Demonstration Gardens.
D:Residential Gardens.
5.What was the purpose of the Victory Garden campaign during World War II?( )
A:To encourage people to grow food for commercial purposes.
B:To encourage people to grow flowers for decoration.
C:To encourage people to grow food for personal consumption, recreation and to improve morale.
D:To encourage people to grow crops to sell to the government.


1. What percentage of soil is made up of pores?( )

2. How many soil layers typically make up mature soil?( )

3. How many types of bacteria can be found in a spoonful of good soil?( )

4. What role does soil play in the carbon cycle?( )
答案:Important carbon storage

5. What are the three principal characteristics of light that affect plant growth? ( )
答案:Quantity, quality, and duration

6. What percentage of the world’s population lives in urban areas? ( )

7. What are some fields that life sciences discoveries have applications in?( )。
答案:Health, agriculture, food science industries.

8. The study of human settlements originated from urban planning. ( )

9. What is the goal of constructing human settlements? ( )
答案:To create a sustainable interactive relationship between people and the external environment

10. What are some problems that are exacerbated by increasing population density in urban environments? ( )
答案:High energy consumption only.###waste-disposal problems.###Insufficient water availability only.###Poor air quality only.

11. The proliferation of laboratory foods could end crop diversity, affecting the balance of ecosystems, and modified bacteria escaping from a laboratory( )

12. Due to human activity, the temperature in urban or metropolitan areas is significantly higher than in the surrounding rural areas, the term Urban heat island ( )

13. The name of the structure that makes the leaves of some plants feel fuzzy to the touch is trichomes( )

14. The name of the symbiotic relationship in which neither species benefits is Commensalism( )

15. What are some adverse consequences of light pollution? ( )
答案:Reduced visibility of stars and astronomical objects###Negative effects on wildlife and ecosystems###Disruption of circadian rhythms and sleep patterns

16. What are some ways to support native biodiversity in cities?( )
答案:Reduction of urban hard land###Environmental remediation and species reintroduction

17. What are the three important factors for recovered ecosystems?( )

18. What are the consequences of urbanization? ( )
答案:Traffic jams###Overpopulation###Marginalization of social groups

19. Which of the following is not a characteristic of unsustainable cities?( )
答案:Low levels of waste and pollution.

20. What is the term for a chemical signal that triggers a response in plants when they are attacked by herbivores? ( )

21. What is the purpose of rain gardens?( )
答案:To increase rain runoff reabsorption by the soil

22. What is an example of a biotic stress that plants face? ( )
答案:Pathogen attack.

23. What is the process of converting nitrogen gas into a usable form for plants by bacteria? ( )
答案:Nitrogen fixation

24. What is the name of the process by which plants use carbon dioxide and sunlight to produce carbohydrates? ( )

25. What is the aesthetic value of urban open spaces?( )
答案:They are self-evident and people enjoy viewing nature

26. What is an example of an ecosystem disservice caused by urban biodiversity?( )
答案:Damage to physical infrastructures

27. What is the name of the world’s largest city with 38 million inhabitants? ( )

28. What is the term for a close ecological relationship between the individuals of two (or more) different species?( )

29. What percentage of our food comes from 15 crop species and 8 livestock species ? ( )

30. What is the name of the flower that opens in the morning and closes in the evening due to temperature difference between the upper and lower sides of its mesophyll? ( )

31. Why is the quality of green space important?( )
答案:It determines the psychological benefits gained by visitors

32. What is the proportion of native species in urban areas?( )

33. Who manages and maintains community gardens?( )
答案:The gardeners themselves.

34. What is the name of the process that has resulted in the selection of a wide range of plant defenses against biotic stress?( )

35. What benefits do green spaces in cities provide for social cohesion?( )
答案:Promotion of shared interests

36. What is the greatest cause of biodiversity loss? ( )
答案:Habitat alteration

37. What is an example of an invasive species that was introduced to Hawaii islands to control rat population ? ( )

38. What is the name of the plant hormone that helps regulate the water balance in plants by controlling the opening and closing of stomata? ( )
答案:Abscisic acid.

39. What is the difference between urban exploiter, urban adapter and urban avoider?( )
答案:Their habitat

40. What is urban biodiversity?( )
答案:The degree of genetic, species and ecosystem differentiation of living organisms, excluding humans, that are regularly combined within an urban context

41. What is the effect of climate change on global weather patterns ? ( )
答案:It modifies global weather patterns

42. What is the primary cause of urban flooding?( )
答案:Surface runoff

43. What is the term for the special protective proteins that some plants produce to survive severe droughts? ( )

44. What is the key to urban biodiversity?( )
答案:The diversity of native plants in urban areas

45. What type of lamps are high in the blue range and are the best choice for starting seeds indoors? ( )
答案:Fluorescent cool white lamps

46. Which of the following is not a stage in ecological restoration?( )
答案:Developing the site for mining activities

47. What kind of species are favored in urban landscapes?( )
答案:Non-native and native species that are generalists

48. What is cotton called? ( )
答案:The world’s ‘dirtiest’ crop

49. What are the problems caused by urbanization?( )
答案:Increased housing costs and poverty.

50. What is the term for the pores on the underside of leaves that allow gas exchange and transpiration? ( )

51. What are the components of urban ecosystems?( )
答案:Both biological and physical components

52. What is urban ecology?( )
答案:The scientific study of living organisms in urban environments

53. What is the name of the phenomenon by which carbon dioxide traps heat in the atmosphere and causes global warming? ( )
答案:Greenhouse effect

54. What was the purpose of the Victory Garden campaign during World War II?( )
答案:To encourage people to grow food for personal consumption, recreation and to improve morale.

55. What was the United States School Garden Army?( )
答案:A program that taught children how to plant and cultivate gardens during World War

56. What is the most common type of community garden?( )
答案:Neighborhood gardens.

57. What is urban agriculture?( )
答案:The practice of cultivating, processing, and distributing food in or around a village, town, or city.

58. What is a community garden?( )
答案:A garden that is managed and maintained by a group of people individually or collectively.

59. How long does ecological restoration take?( )
答案:It takes years, decades, or even hundreds of years for full recovery of the ecosystem.

60. Which habitats are most critical for restoring ecology?( )
答案:Temperate forests.

61. What is phytodegradation?( )
答案:The use of plants or microorganisms to degrade organic pollutants in the soil or within the body of the plant.

62. What is the first stage of ecological restoration?( )
答案:Assessing the site

63. What is the purpose of ecological restoration?( )
答案:To replenish natural services provided by degraded ecosystems.

64. What is the proportion of the world’s population that will live in urban areas by 2050 according to the World Health Organization? ( )

65. What is green infrastructure?( )
答案:Projects that draw from nature to achieve desired results

66. What is the official term corresponding to the meaning of “megalopolis” in China? ( )
答案:城市群 (city cluster)

67. What is the goal of urban ecology?( )
答案:To achieve a balance between human culture and the natural environment

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