Design, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1.0(同济大学)智慧树知到网课章节测试答案

huan2024-07-10  27

Design, Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1.0(同济大学)智慧树知到网课章节测试答案

第一章 单元测试
During the investors’ pitch, the investors will care about your market. Is it big enough to make it interesting. How much do you know about it?
答案: 【对】
During the investors’ pitch, the investors would like to know how your solution addresses a problem in the market and how does it solve that problem.
答案: 【对】
The investors are investing in you and your team.
答案: 【对】
The financial projections shall be based on reasonable assumptions.
答案: 【对】
Which word below describes the VUCA era?
答案: 【Uncertainty】
Serendipity is the luck some people have in finding or creating interesting or valuable things by chance.
答案: 【对】
第二章 单元测试
Coco Chanel revolutionized women’s clothing by abolishing corsets, long skirts, complicated outfits that required the help of the assistant to be worn. This is also an example of radical innovation.
答案: 【对】
When we encounter the following situation, we are using _______ reasoning.“ ・ All meals are prepared by the catering company according to the bookings on the system (rule) • A proportion Q (15%) of aircraft passengers have booked vegan meals on the system (case), • we can predict that 15% of passengers (vegan) will receive the correct meal during the flight (conclusion).”
C:Deductive + inductive
答案: 【Deductive】
When we encounter the following situation, we are using _______ reasoning.“A prediction draws a conclusion about a future individual from a past sample. ・ Proportion Q (e.g. 15%) of observed aircraft passengers have had in the past attribute “vegan”.Therefore:• There is a probability corresponding to Q (15%) that future aircraft passengers will have attribute “vegan” on next flights”.
C:Deductive + inductive
答案: 【Inductive】
Abductive reasoning looks at the results first, then it tries to form the best hypothesis to explain the result and finally checks the case to see if it conforms to the hypothesis.
答案: 【对】
Please choose the correct statements about design innovation:
A:Expert design is more a matter of developing and refining both the formulation of a problem and ideas for solution in concert, in a process of COEVOLUTION of both the Problem space and the Solution space.
B:Only changes in meaning or technology can lead to radical innovation
C:Designers use an emphasis on the future context in which the design has to function, to sway clients from a problem-solving approach to one that allows for the negotiation of new frames.
D:Changes in meaning define the so-called design-driven innovation
答案: 【Expert design is more a matter of developing and refining both the formulation of a problem and ideas for solution in concert, in a process of COEVOLUTION of both the Problem space and the Solution space.;Only changes in meaning or technology can lead to radical innovation;Designers use an emphasis on the future context in which the design has to function, to sway clients from a problem-solving approach to one that allows for the negotiation of new frames.;Changes in meaning define the so-called design-driven innovation】
第三章 单元测试
Please select the correct ones from the following statements about strategy.
A:strategy development needs a combination of logical analysis and business intuition.
B:strategy is an integrated decision that leads and pushes company to achieve success.
C:strategy usually will be better for external use.
D:strategy is to develop a plan to defeat the current of potential competitive.
答案: 【strategy development needs a combination of logical analysis and business intuition.;strategy is an integrated decision that leads and pushes company to achieve success.;strategy is to develop a plan to defeat the current of potential competitive.】
Which tool or framework is not for strategy planning?
A:BCG Matric
B:User Journey map
C:Michael Porter’s Five forces
D:Value chain analysis
答案: 【User Journey map】
When we assess the portfolio, we may take the market-based perspectives by assessing the market attractiveness and the competitive position.
答案: 【对】
A typical strategy for a business unit usually includes
A:geographically expansion,
B:new product line expansion,
C:acquisition the divestment
D:a new customer group,
答案: 【geographically expansion,;new product line expansion,;a new customer group,】
A typical framework to decide the business unit strategy can be split into two parts: diagnosis and selection.
答案: 【对】
第四章 单元测试
In her study on expert entrepreneurs, Prof. Dr. Sarasvathy found some patterns of expert entrepreneurship:
A:They focus on what they can do and do it, without worrying much about what they ought to do.
B:As resources accumulate in the growing network, constraints begin to accrete. The constraints reduce possible changes in future goals and restrict who may or may not be admitted into the stakeholder network. Assuming the stakeholder accumulation process does not prematurely abort, goals and network concurrently converge into a new market and a new firm.
C:They begin with who they are, what they know and whom they know, and immediately start taking action and interacting with other people.
D:Some of the people they interact with self-select into the process by making commitments to the venture. Each commitment results in new means and new goals for the venture.
答案: 【They focus on what they can do and do it, without worrying much about what they ought to do.;As resources accumulate in the growing network, constraints begin to accrete. The constraints reduce possible changes in future goals and restrict who may or may not be admitted into the stakeholder network. Assuming the stakeholder accumulation process does not prematurely abort, goals and network concurrently converge into a new market and a new firm.;They begin with who they are, what they know and whom they know, and immediately start taking action and interacting with other people.;Some of the people they interact with self-select into the process by making commitments to the venture. Each commitment results in new means and new goals for the venture.】
Please select the correct ones from the following statements about teams.
A:Your team are embedded in an organizational context that sets boundaries, constrains the team, and influences exchanges with other units in the broader entity.
B:Team members shall perform the same hobby to satisfy their personal demand.
C:Team are collectives who exist to perform organizationally relevant tasks.
D:Your team will shoulder one or more common goals, each of the member playing a certain role and together exhibit task interdependencies as well as maintain and manage boundaries.
答案: 【Your team are embedded in an organizational context that sets boundaries, constrains the team, and influences exchanges with other units in the broader entity.;Team are collectives who exist to perform organizationally relevant tasks.
;Your team will shoulder one or more common goals, each of the member playing a certain role and together exhibit task interdependencies as well as maintain and manage boundaries.】
Why do we want do the business planning?
A:It is to supply an instrument for the early recognition of critical development.
B:It is to understand the company’s business.
C:The financial BP creates the transparency between the successful projects and the shareholder value.
D:It is the anticipation of the future development of the company.
答案: 【It is to supply an instrument for the early recognition of critical development.;It is to understand the company’s business.;The financial BP creates the transparency between the successful projects and the shareholder value.;It is the anticipation of the future development of the company.】
Please select the correct statement about business planning.
A:The business planning is more from the management perspective, the operational perspective, rather than a pure financial perspective.
B:A successful business planning could only be achieved in the bottom-up manner in one organization.
C:It is not necessary to understand the reporting line of the organization to start your business plan.
D:Each unit of the organization shall choose their own advanced tools to finalize the business plan.
答案: 【The business planning is more from the management perspective, the operational perspective, rather than a pure financial perspective.】
A financial business plan consists of four combined financial components, three input and one output. The three inputs includes _______, _______, _______, and combining the three together, you will have _______.
A:the statement of cash flows, the profit and loss statement, the balance sheet, the fixed assets schedule
B:the profit and loss statement, the balance sheet, the fixed assets schedule, the statement of cash flows
C:the profit and loss statement, the balance sheet, the statement of cash flows, the fixed assets schedule
D:the profit and loss statement, the statement of cash flows, the balance sheet, the fixed assets schedule
答案: 【the profit and loss statement, the balance sheet, the fixed assets schedule, the statement of cash flows】

