
huan2024-07-10  38



1、【单选题】What is the key to the concept of symbol?
A、A concrete object
B、An abstract idea
C、Association of concrete object and an abstract idea
D、A sign

2、【单选题】Which of the following does not affect the symbolic representations?

3、【单选题】Which of the following object can represent purification?

4、【单选题】Which of the following things is considered to be a place closer to God?
A、The sea
B、The flood
C、The forest
D、The summit

5、【单选题】According to the lecture, what might forest in a literary work represent?
A、Inner insecurity
B、Natural beauty

6、【单选题】What does the well represent in the novel Norwegian Forest?
A、A tunnel connecting the real world and the psychological world.

7、【单选题】What function does the description of the well play in Norwegian Forest?
A、Creating the scary mood
B、A metaphor of the inner world of Naoko.
C、Foreshadowing the death of the protagonist.
D、A metaphor of the underground world.

8、【单选题】What does Jacob’s ladder represent?
A、Ascendance to heaven
C、Uplifting one’s social status
D、Connection between heaven and earth.

9、【单选题】Which of the following is not associated with mountain?
A、spiritual transcendence
B、renunciation of worldly desires
C、purification of one’s mind
D、God’s grace

10、【单选题】In “The Snows of Kilimanjaro”, the mountain represents:
A、Unfulfilled creativity
B、Unrequited love
C、Life under threat
D、Spiritual transcendence

11、【单选题】What can one learn from the quest for one’s father?
B、Finding a role model
C、Getting to know the world
D、The importance of leadership

12、【单选题】What does the word “free” mean in The Bluest Eye as a result of failed quest?
A、Acting as an outlaw
B、Free from social responsibility and emotional attachment
C、No family attachment
D、Leading a wandering life

13、【单选题】In the poem, Animals in that country, why is the activity of bullfighting alluded?
A、It tells man’s close encounter with death.
B、It shows the reader the rich tradition in European continent associated with animals
C、It shows the bravery of human being
D、It describes the bloody scene for the reader

14、【单选题】What in the poem makes the bullfight a ritualistic event?
A、Blowing of trumpet and naming the bull
B、Killing the bull with a sword
C、The bull is made manlike
D、The bull is embroidered with blood

15、【单选题】How do you interpret the tradition of foxhunting in the Great Britain?
A、It is a representation of gentry culture.
B、It is a barbarous tradition.
C、It is a pretentious tradition.
D、It is a practice of the peasants.

16、【单选题】Why does Pecola identify herself with dandelions?
A、It is a kind of weed.
B、It is vulnerable
C、It is useful
D、It is ignored and distained.

17、【单选题】Why do you think hair is considered the source of one’s strength?
A、Because it seems to grow unceasingly.
B、Because it is a symbol of one’s sexuality.
C、Because it is usually covered up for prudence’s sake.
D、Because it is unusually long.

18、【单选题】Why do people of certain profession wear uniform?
A、Because uniform is a symbol of one’s class.
B、Because uniform erases one’s individuality and stresses uniformity.
C、Because uniform makes one look handsome.
D、Because uniform is a symbol of one’s social status.

19、【单选题】Why has corset been popular among women even in modern days?
A、Because it is inexpensive and pretty.
B、Because it accentuates the shapely curve of a woman.
C、Because woman’s hourglass shape is considered as having the utmost aesthetic value.
D、Because it is a symbol of a person’s social class.

20、【单选题】Why do people pay attention to their body?
A、People want to conform to the beauty standard in the society.
B、Because people attach great importance to their health.
C、Because people like diet, liposuction, or breast implant to make themselves more attractive.
D、Because people are fascinated by their own body.


1、【单选题】John Steinbeck is the Nobel Laureate of Literature in the year of ____?

2、【单选题】Usually the Nobel Laureate will receive the following _____ as an honor.
A、Nobel Medal
B、Nobel trophy
C、Nobel Medal and Diploma
D、A gold laureate

3、【单选题】What is the main group of people that Steinbeck wrote about?
A、The lower middle class
B、The intellectuals
C、The ethnic groups
D、Professional women

4、【单选题】Why are some of the works of Steinbeck considered controversial?
A、He depicted human nature in the ivory tower.
B、He set out to undermine the racial injustice.
C、His works criticize the governmental policy and capitalism.
D、His works contain obscene content.

5、【单选题】What is the title of the book that won him the Nobel Prize?
A、The Grape of Wrath
B、Of Mice and Man
C、East of Eden
D、The Old Man and The Sea

6、【单选题】What idea does the short story “The Chrysanthemums”embody?
A、Discourse construction
B、Ecological thinking

7、【单选题】What social event is “The Chrysanthemums” associated with?
A、Black is beautiful.
B、Civil Rights Movement.
C、Women gaining the right of suffrage.
D、Third wave feminism.

8、【单选题】What is the social setting of “The Chrysanthemum”?
A、It happens in a male-dominated society.
B、It shows a society with great social upheaval.
C、It is a time of economic depression.
D、It is a time of civil movement.

9、【单选题】What kind of feeling does the natural setting of the story invoke?

10、【单选题】What kind of outfit do Elisa wear?
A、Her figured print dress accentuates her body shape.
B、She wears gardening costume to cover up her real identity as a woman.
C、She wears an army outfit.
D、She dresses casually.

11、【单选题】What can you see from the way Elisa, the protagonist, is dressed?
A、She is limited by her gender role.
B、She is uneasy with her femininity.
C、She is brimmed with vitality.
D、She wants to be a man.

12、【单选题】Her transformation in the later part of the story comes from ____.
A、The inspiration she gets from the growing of the chrysanthemum.
B、The encouragement she gets from her husband.
C、The appreciation she receives from the Tinker.
D、She wants to lead a wandering life.

13、【单选题】In what way, can her hair reflect her inner changes?
A、From covering up her hair to showcasing her hair, she reconciles with her identity as a woman.
B、Taking good care of her hair, she enjoys her natural beauty.
C、Covering up her hair, she is oblivious of her beauty.
D、She likes admiring herself with long hair.

14、【单选题】Which of the following statement shows Henry, the husband’s practicality?
A、He compliments her gift of raising plants.
B、He wish she would work out in the orchard and raise some big apples.
C、He likes it when seeing her “strong new crops”.
D、He talks business with the men in the tractor shed.

15、【单选题】How does the fence indicate her psychological distance with the tinker?
A、The tinker is able to get into her house.
B、The tinker gets into her flower garden and helps her with the chrysanthemum.
C、The tinker starts talking to her from outside the fence but later comes inside the fence.
D、She is well protected by the fence from outside intrusion.

16、【单选题】What does the wagon represent for Elisa in the story?

17、【单选题】Why does the tinker say “it ain’t the kind of like for a woman”?
A、Because he thinks that woman is not suitable for leading a wandering life.
B、Because he thinks that it’s not worth it to give up a stable life.
C、Because he thinks that woman is too weak physically to work as a tinker.
D、Because he thinks that women will increase competition.

18、【单选题】Henry, the husband comments on the size of the chrysanthemum shows that _____.
A、He loves his wife and appreciates her as a good housewife.
B、He is a person who is down-to-earth.
C、He is a typical farmer who only cares about material gains.
D、He loves the flower in an aesthetical way.

19、【单选题】Which of the following statement shows Elisa’s identification with the chrysanthemum?
A、The chrysanthemums are like a quick puff of colored smoke.
B、She becomes one with the plants when she tends to them.
C、She knows which bud to pick.
D、She is delighted when the chrysanthemum is complimented on.

20、【单选题】Why is the husband able to make adjustment to the change Elisa has been through?
A、He is overwhelmed by her transformation.
B、He loves Elisa no matter what kind of transformations she is through.
C、The tractor shed reminds him of his bread-winner status in the family.
D、He is used to her whims.


1、【单选题】What is the nationality of Naipaul?
A、Trinidad Tobago
B、The Great Britain.

2、【单选题】What is the feature of the Miguel Street?
A、It is a slum with indentured laborers.
B、It is a caste society like India.
C、It mainly consists of the native laborers.
D、It is a place for artists.

3、【单选题】How many stories does The Miguel Street consist of?

4、【单选题】Who is the narrator?
A、A young boy.
B、An intellectual.
C、A poet.
D、A boxer.

5、【单选题】What kind of world is created in The Miguel Street?
A、A slum.
B、A world rich in characters with distinct features.
C、A world that centers around the narrator’s family.
D、A world full of thieves and villain.

6、【单选题】Why are people on the Miguel Street scared of Big Foot?
A、He looks like a terrible dog.
B、He is black.
C、He is strong and brooding.
D、He is big.

7、【单选题】Why do people like claiming Big Foot as a friend of them?
A、Because they want to have his protection.
B、Because the father of Big Foot is a policeman.
C、Because they are from the same street.
D、Because they are really his friends.

8、【单选题】How does the narrator start friendship with Big Foot?
A、He sympathizes with him after seeing his defeat in boxing.
B、He keeps the secret of Big Foot.
C、He thanks Big Foot for his protection from the American soldier.
D、He saves Big Foot from the attack of a dog.

9、【单选题】Why is the short story named “Coward”?
A、Because Big Foot loses the game to the real boxer.
B、Because Big Foot has vulnerable inside.
C、Because the people in the Miguel Street do not stand up for Big Foot.
D、Because the narrator loses faith in Big Foot.

10、【单选题】How do you characterize the narrator in “Coward”?
A、He is a sensitive and compassionate person.
B、He is as vulnerable as Big Foot.
C、He is the same as any other person on the Miguel Street who laughs at other people’s failure.
D、He is weak and diffident.

11、【单选题】What school did the British poet William Wordsworth belong?
A、Nature Poets.
B、Sentimental Poets.
C、Lake Poets.
D、The dada movement.

12、【单选题】Why is the poet in the story called the Black Wordsworth?
A、Because he is named by his parents this way.
B、Because his skin color is dark.
C、Because he is as great as William Wordsworth, the white poet.
D、Because he writes like William Wordsworth.

13、【单选题】Why does the narrator rephrase his mother’s refusal?
A、To save the poet’s face.
B、To help his mother get rid of the poet.
C、To help the poet sell his poem.
D、To avoid enraging the poet.

14、【单选题】What kind of feeling does the line “The past is deep” show?
A、It shows his lamentation of his lost glory.
B、It shows him as a great philosopher.
C、It shows his lamentation of his lost wife and his past life.
D、It shows the poet as vulnerable.

15、【单选题】When the narrator is beaten by his mother, how does the poet comfort him?
A、He brings me to the wilderness to look at the stars.
B、He brings him to the race-course and together they gaze into the starry night sky.
C、He invites him over to his house and makes him herbal tea.
D、He holds him in his arms and comforts him.

16、【单选题】In the line “I could see it clearly on his face”, what does “it” refer to?
A、“It” refers to his love toward the narrator.
B、“It” refers to “the past’.
C、“It” refers to death.
D、“It” refers to his lamentation.

17、【单选题】Why is the garbage collector highly respected in the Miguel Street?
A、Because he is able to get useful things from the garbage.
B、Because he is kind to the people on the Miguel Street.
C、Because he sells new and cheap things to people.
D、Because he is a person of integrity.

18、【单选题】How does the word “material” change the definition of “garbage”?
A、It provides a new perspective in looking at garbage.
B、It changes the discarded things into something reusable.
C、It helps people get necessities in life.
D、It is actually garbage no matter what.

19、【单选题】Why is the mother of the narrator almost cry from joy when seeing the sceneries?
A、Because they are painted by her husband.
B、Because they are cheap.
C、Because they remind her of her lost husband.
D、Because they are pretty.

20、【单选题】Why is the story named “The Blue Cart”?
A、Because it is the vehicle that represents mobility.
B、Because it is the vehicle that represents resourcefulness.
C、Because it gives Eddoes his social status.
D、Because the car is blue.


1、【单选题】When did Ernest Hemingway awarded Nobel Prize for literature?

2、【单选题】What was the title of the novel that won him the Nobel Prize?
A、A Farewell to Arms
B、For Whom the Bell Tolls
C、The Old Man and The Sea
D、Sound and Fury

3、【单选题】What is the term that indicates his literary idea?
A、Flat character and round character
B、The tip of iceberg
C、Narrative perspective
D、Sequence of narration

4、【单选题】Of the following statement, which is not the quality of a code hero?
A、A man who lives correctly.
B、A man of courage and endurance.
C、A man who saves the world single-handedly.
D、A man who follows the ideals of honor.

5、【单选题】What is the protagonist Harry dying of?
B、Vulture attack
D、Attack from the natives

6、【单选题】What does summit of Kilimanjaro represent in the story?
A、It is considered the place closest to God.
B、It is named the House of God.
C、It is seen as a place of spiritual transcendence.
D、It is a sacred place.

7、【单选题】Why is the protagonist death given significance?
A、Because of his nobleness to his fellow soldier.
B、Because of his depiction of humanity.
C、Because of his reflection before his death.
D、Because he writes great stories depicting humanity.

8、【单选题】Which of the following object is not a symbol of death?
D、Frozen leopard

9、【单选题】Which of following statement best describes the relatedness of the gangrene and the loss of Harry’s creativity?
A、They both develop slowly and painless, thus catch him unaware.
B、They are both deadly.
C、They both cost him his vitality.
D、They both affect his life.

10、【单选题】In the story, which of the following quality is depicted as the sole feature of death_______.

11、【单选题】Which of the following words is not used to describe the active state of Harry’s death?

12、【单选题】How does the ending of the story indicate the elevation of Harry?
A、Before his death, he dreams of climbing the summit of Kilimanjaro in a helicopter.
B、Before his death, he is able to fight death many times over.
C、Before his death, he is able to see his fellow man.
D、Before his death, he is reunited with the woman he loves.

13、【单选题】What are the factors that influence our construction of ethical system?
A、Legal systems.
B、History, philosophies and countries.
C、Religions, philosophies and cultures.
D、Social norms.

14、【单选题】In the exchange of populations, what is the ethical dilemma that the secretary trapped into?
A、His repetition of the old man’s order leads to the death of the girls.
B、His obedience and defiance of order is the determining factor of the girls’ lives.
C、His guilt of causing the death of the girls and the urge to save his own skin.
D、His guilt of releasing the girls or killing them.

15、【单选题】Why is the chore boy depicted as half-wit?
A、To show the preposterousness of the reason for taking a person’s life.
B、To show that the world is not as simple as right vs. wrong.
C、To tell the vulnerability of friendship.
D、To show Harry’s sympathy.

16、【单选题】What determines the degree of punishment in matching his crime?
A、The damage he causes.
B、Ethical system.
C、Social norms.
D、Both a and b.

17、【单选题】Why is Harry shown as not being able to write the story of the boy?
A、To emphasize his guilt of betraying the boy.
B、To summarize the regrets of his life.
C、To show that Harry has lost his creativity.
D、To show his lack of confidence in writing.

18、【单选题】In times of war, which of the following is valued as the highest?
A、National interest
B、Individual aspiration
C、Discipline of the army
D、Following the leaders

19、【单选题】What does the statement “these were the same Austrian offices they skied with later” show?
A、Taking sides is more important than maintenance of friendship.
B、Sometimes one has to face a dilemma concerning one’s duty to his nation and his personal attachment.
C、One is supposed to value nation more than personal ties.
D、They have been friends all along.

20、【单选题】Why is Harry not able to write the stories in his memory?
A、The stories pose difficult ethical situations.
B、He is too busy enjoying wealthy life.
C、He is incompetent.
D、Both a and b.


1、【单选题】When did Alice Munro win the Nobel Prize?

2、【单选题】What kind of family background is Munro from?
A、lower middle class
B、high class
C、middle class
D、intellectual family

3、【单选题】What is the title of the short story collection that won her Nobel Prize?
B、Dance of the Happy Shades
C、Too Much Happiness
D、Dear Life

4、【单选题】What kind of conflicts do the heroines in her story usually have to face?
A、The conflicts between personal aspirations and social responsibilities.
B、The conflicts between physical world and psychological world.
C、The conflicts between marriage and self-actualization.
D、The conflicts between responsibility as a daughter and the inspiration of a writer.

5、【单选题】Why does the narrator feel out of place in the college in contrast with Nina?
A、Because her outfit is shabby comparing with Nina’s blending-in dress.
B、Because her outfit is not the common apparel of college students.
C、Because she cannot excel in all subjects as Nina does.
D、Because Nina is rich.

6、【单选题】For scholar students like the narrator, Kay and Beverly, what could be the possible future?
A、Get married or be a school teacher.
B、Be an interpreter in United Nations.
C、Climb up the social ladder and be someone important.
D、Teach in high school.

7、【单选题】Why does the narrator feel like a simpleton?
A、Because she is from countryside and doesn’t know much about city life.
B、Because she is intimidated by Nina’s sophisticated experience.
C、Because she has only focused on her study all her life.
D、Because she is threatened by Nina’s money.

8、【单选题】In the following statement, which shows that the narrator is stringent on her own body?
A、She would fold her dress carefully so that it would be decent to wear for the second day.
B、She would be on strict diet after the Sunday dinner with Cousin Ernie.
C、She would take fruit as dinner.
D、She would refrain from eating dinner.

9、【单选题】In what way is Nina seen as out of place in a college?
A、Her dresses are too expensive.
B、She stares at her textbook without being able to understand the lectures.
C、She is a kept woman of Mr. Purvis.
D、She is too worldly.

10、【单选题】How does the narrator indicate her dislike of Nina?
A、She is offended by the body odor Nina gives out.
B、She is annoyed by her constant movement in the shared room.
C、She is jealous of Nina’s way of life.
D、She is annoyed by the noises Nina makes.

11、【单选题】Why is the process of the Narrator’s undressing depicted in detail?
A、To show that she is scared of sexual assault.
B、To show her inner conflict of accepting or refusing the Nina’s way of life.
C、To show her contempt toward Mrs. Winner.
D、To show that she enjoys the process.

12、【单选题】Why are the Latin words on her dress, ave atque vale, depicted in detail?
A、To show the confusion she feels at her own decision.
B、To indicate her past honor.
C、To show the irony of her ambition and her present situation.
D、To indicate her struggle in making decisions at present.

13、【单选题】In the undressing scene, what does the depiction of applying the lotion mean?
A、It implies the narrator’s moral stain.
B、The lotion has been the distinct smell of Nina which is associated with selling of one’s body.
C、The lotion makes one more attractive to the prospective mate.
D、The lotion makes the narrator feel nauseated.

14、【单选题】Why does Mr. Purvis talk about Greek philosophy with the narrator?
A、To show that he is interested in philosophy.
B、To show that he is a learned man.
C、To lead to the question which is intended to humiliate the narrator.
D、To brag about his knowledge.

15、【单选题】What is the theme of the poem Wenlock Edge?
A、It shows the passage of time and the smallness of human being.
B、It shows a poet contemplating the issue of life and death.
C、It laments about the death of youth.
D、It shows the stillness of nature.

16、【单选题】Why does Mr. Purvis’voice become “tired, old, crumpled and indifferent?
A、Because he senses the narrator’s reconciliation with present awkward state.
B、Because he spends too much time listening to the poem.
C、Because he fails to humiliate the narrator in any way.
D、Because he is actually an old man.

17、【单选题】Why is the narrator able to reconstruct her ethical value of small Canadian town?
A、She eventually understands that the meaning of life does not lie in material pursuit.
B、She is able to see the life of human being in the perspective of history and culture.
C、She is able to forgive the vices in humanity.
D、She is able to gain moral superiority over Mr. Purvis.

18、【单选题】Why is Nina impressed by the way the cupboard is arranged in Ernie’s house?
A、Because it poses sharp contrast with her messy life.
B、Because it shows that Ernie is a man of integrity.
C、Because she can be the hostess of the house.
D、Because she is thinking of having a baby of Ernie’s.

19、【单选题】What does the space of the library represent?
A、It is a place that stores and disseminates the fruits of human civilization.
B、It is a space that shows the equality people have concerning knowledge.
C、It represents systematic storage of ideas.
D、It is a kind of public sphere representing public will.

20、【单选题】Of the four characters in the story, which two represent the small town ethics of Canada?
A、Ernie and Nina.
B、Nina and the narrator.
C、Ernie and the narrator.
D、Nina and Mr. Purvis.


1、【单选题】In what are women expected to behave?
A、To be confident and dashing.
B、To be docile and submissive.
C、To be dominating.
D、To be confident.

2、【单选题】Why were women easily subjected to domestic violence in the past?
A、They were financially dependent on their husband.
B、They were physically too weak.
C、They suffered from Stockholm syndrome.
D、They were considered as property.

3、【单选题】Why does Carla in “Runaway” return to her husband?
A、She falls into the trap of Stockholm Syndrome.
B、She suffers from low self-esteem and is afraid of Clark, her husband.
C、She is scared of the unknown future and misses her emotional tie with Clark.
D、She is in love with her husband.

4、【单选题】In “Dimensions”, why does Lloyd decide to move to strange town after marriage?
A、He wants to start his life anew.
B、He finds better job opportunity in the other town.
C、He wants to sever the ties that Doree has with her mother’s friend to get better control of her.
D、He is thinking of starting a family.

5、【单选题】Why do you think Doree gives up life with her mother’s friend and marries Lloyd instead?
A、She looks for a fatherly figure in marriage because she grows up in a single-parent family.
B、She does not want to be dependent on her mother’s friend.
C、She wants to start her own family independently.
D、She needs someone to take care of her.

6、【单选题】What kind of influence does Maggie have on Doree?
A、She helps Doree to leave her husband.
B、She provides an outsider’s perspective on Doree’s marriage.
C、She is sympathetic of Doree’s wretched situation.
D、She sets up a role model for Doree.

7、【单选题】After the murder of her three children, what does Doree’s change of appearance indicate?
A、She is a person in disguise, assuming the identity strictly of her profession.
B、She abandons the role of a daughter, mother and wife.
C、She wants to assume an identity of a maid.
D、Both a and b

8、【单选题】Why does she cut her hair short and almost only wears uniform?
A、She wants to discard the social role of a woman.
B、She wants to go around her life without being noticed.
C、She is recovering from her loss and pain.
D、She wants to be seen as a professional person.

9、【单选题】What kind of role does Mrs. Sands play in the story?
A、She offers compassion to the victim.
B、She helps the victim to think rationally.
C、She helps the victim reconstruct her life.
D、She empathizes with the victim.

10、【单选题】Why is Doree angry at the religious workers?
A、She is enraged at having her loss taken advantage of.
B、She has received a nonreligious education from her mother.
C、She dislikes ideas being shoved at her.
D、She is not a religious believer.

11、【单选题】Why does Mrs. Sands not persuade Doree to refrain from seeing her ex-husband?
A、Her professional ethics forbids her to do so.
B、She wants to leave the decision-making to her rather than making decision for her.
C、She is afraid of enraging Doree by mentioning her husband.
D、She cares for Doree too much.

12、【单选题】Why does Doree refrain from telling Mrs. Sands about the letter from Lloyd?
A、She is afraid that Mrs. Sands will take the letter away from her.
B、She distrusts Mrs. Sands of her professional ability.
C、She is unwilling to have her illusion cleared away by Mrs. Sands.
D、She dislikes Mrs. Sands for being too nosy.

13、【单选题】Which of the following factors help Doree’s recovery from trauma?
A、The passage of time, and the financial and emotional independence.
B、The professional help from social workers.
C、Visiting Lloyd in the institution.
D、Both a and b.

14、【单选题】Why is Doree unable to respond to small things that make people happy?
A、Because she suffers from PTSD (Post-traumatic syndrome disorder)
B、Because she is uprooted from her hometown.
C、Because she has divorced her husband.
D、Because she has lost her job.

15、【单选题】How is Lloyd portrayed in the story?
A、He has been through transformations from a confident and able man to a mentally deranged person.
B、He transforms from a loving husband and father into a man who deserts his family.
C、He treats his family cruelly and does not deserve sympathy.
D、He is a villain.

16、【单选题】Why does Doree still visit Lloyd despite of the disapproval she senses in Mrs. Sands?
A、She still loves him despite of the murder.
B、She is afraid that once he is out from the institution, he will be after her.
C、She still clings to the past and the memory she shares with Lloyd.
D、She is threatened by her ex-husband.

17、【单选题】Why does Doree compare the visit to Lloyd as a parent visiting child in school?
A、Because she asks similar questions about his life.
B、Because she shares similar feeling of patronization.
C、Because she sees Lloyd as immature.
D、Because she is protective of him.

18、【单选题】Why is the public will cautious in interfering with family affairs?
A、Because marriage is the holy matrimony decreed by God.
B、Because family is a territory governed by the man.
C、Because there was a clear line between private and public sphere.
D、Because domestic sphere is sacred.

19、【单选题】Why is the detail of the ironed shirt depicted in the highway accident?
A、To show that the kid is someone’s son and saving him is saving a family.
B、To create an atmosphere of urgency.
C、To show that Doree’s calmness in time of emergency.
D、To tell the reader that the kid is well taken care of.

20、【单选题】Why does Doree decide to stop visiting her ex-husband?
A、She misses the visiting hours and has to come back some other time.
B、She has to take the boy to the hospital in the ambulance.
C、Through saving the boy, she is able to healing her wound and reconstruct her identity as a whole person.
D、She remembers Mrs. Sands and is able to clear the confusion away from her mind.


1、【单选题】What is Toni Morrison’s nationality?
A、She is an American.
B、She is an African
C、She is British.
D、She is Australian.

2、【单选题】When did Toni Morrison become a Nobel Laureate?
A、In 1993.
B、In 2003.
C、In 2013.
D、In 1954.

3、【单选题】What is Toni Morrison famous for?
A、She is famous for her narrative technique, sympathy and humanity.
B、She is famous for her portrayal of Americans caught between ethnicity and aspiration.
C、She is known as a woman writer of great insight in intellectual life.
D、She is famous for her sense of humor.

4、【单选题】What role does the Blues play in the novel?
A、It comforts people and soothes their soul.
B、It is a way to transmit black culture heritage.
C、It is inspiring.
D、Both a and b.

5、【单选题】Why does Claudia wish to have someone to break her heart?
A、Because she wants to grow up and enjoy a life of freedom.
B、Because her mother’s singing makes love and loss sweet and endurable.
C、Because she wants to be loved by a man outside of her family.
D、Because she is a dreamy girl.

6、【单选题】What does the scene of Claudia’s father teaching them to kindle the fire symbolize?
A、It symbolizes the good family tie among father and children.
B、It symbolizes the father’s love to keep the family together.
C、It symbolizes the father’s kindness.
D、It symbolizes the love among the family members and the effort the parents make to sustain love.

7、【单选题】How do you interpret the scene of Claudia being beaten?
A、It shows strict discipline of children to make them righteous person.
B、It is a scene criticizing domestic violence.
C、It is a way of Claudia’s parents to vent their anger.
D、It shows different stages of pain.

8、【单选题】Why is M’dear asked when a person is of serious illness?
A、She is like a priest who offers spiritual consolation.
B、She is a great doctor of the community.
C、She specializes in treating deadly illness.
D、She is the leader of the community.

9、【单选题】Why does the Primer appear at different parts of the novel?
A、It is a symbol of the Claudia’s family.
B、It is a symbol of the Pecola’s family.
C、It is the ideal African American family.
D、It serves the structural function and the thematic function.

10、【单选题】Why do the words in the Primer all cluster together?
A、To indicate Pecola’s gradual descending into madness.
B、To indicate the alienation of Pecola.
C、To indicate the hardship that the black community has to face.
D、To show the madness the black people have to face.

11、【单选题】What is the purpose of heading the sections in four seasons?
A、To indicate the natural setting of the plot.
B、To correspond to the shifting of the mood of each section.
C、To tell the fate of the main character, Pecola.
D、Both a and b.

12、【单选题】Why does Pecola drink almost all the milk in Claudia’s household?
A、Because she is always hungry.
B、Because she is intimidated by Claudia.
C、Because she is fascinated by the white girl’s face on the milk cup.
D、Because she loves milk.

13、【单选题】Why does Pecola fetishize over the white’s beauty standard?
A、Because she is surrounded in everyday life by the symbol of white beauty.
B、Because she is almost cut off from black tradition so that she cannot resist the influence of white culture
C、Because she is raised to hate her identity as black.
D、Both a and b.

14、【单选题】What kind of attitude does Claudia hold toward the white beauty?
A、She conducts an outright war against it.
B、She joins her peers in their admiration of the white beauty.
C、She wants to dismantle it and is unwilling to accept it.
D、She is jealous of the white beauty.

15、【单选题】What are the qualities that Cholly supposed to develop in his quest for his father?
A、He is supposed to learn the importance of responsibility.
B、He is supposed to learn the importance of patience and leadership.
C、He is supposed to know the orientation of his life better.
D、He is supposed to purify his own soul.

16、【单选题】What kind of person does Cholly find his father to be?
A、His father is a tall and old man.
B、His father is a gambler and a drunkard.
C、His father is an uncouth and rude person without a sense of responsibility.
D、He is handsome.

17、【单选题】Why does Cholly feel free from social responsibilities?
A、He has not been through the process of subjugation to authority.
B、He suffers greatly from his father’s denial.
C、He grows up without parents.
D、He has lost his parents.

18、【单选题】Why does Pecola wants a pair of blue eyes?
A、Because she has suffered prejudice for being a black.
B、Because blue eyes are prettier.
C、Because she thinks that blue eyes will help her to see better.
D、Because she likes the color blue.

19、【单选题】Why does Pecola’s mother choose the white girl over Pecola?
A、Because she enjoys being the servant of white people.
B、Because she is afraid that the white girl’s parents will be angry at her.
C、Because she accepts the concept that the black people are inferior.
D、Because she is afraid of unemployment.

20、【单选题】Why does Claudia dismantles the white doll?
A、Because it is not the kind of Christmas gift she really wants.
B、Because she is puzzled over people’s preference of white over black.
C、Because she dislikes dolls.
D、Because she is inquisitive.


1、【单选题】When did Coetzee become a Nobel Laureate?

2、【单选题】Before winning the Nobel, what award did he win twice?
A、Governor General Award
B、The Booker Prize.
C、Le Prix de Flore
D、The Pulitzer Prize

3、【单选题】What is the nationality of J. M. Coetzee?
A、He is an Australian.
B、He is a South African.
C、He is an American.
D、He is a British person.

4、【单选题】What kind of birth defect does K suffer from?
A、Cerebral palsy

5、【单选题】Where does the story happen?
A、In Australia.
B、In South Africa
C、In America
D、In Great Britain

6、【单选题】Which side is K on, the government or the rebels?
A、The government militants
B、The rebels
C、The camp
D、None of the above

7、【单选题】Why does the author quote the words about war in the prologue
A、Because the novel is a reflection of social upheaval in South Africa
B、Because the story is about powerlessness one feels in the time of war.
C、Because K is an obscure soldier who struggles to get out of war
D、Because the author of the quote is famous

8、【单选题】Why is K described as eating the apples quickly and “chewing quickly as a rabbit, his eyes vacant”?
A、To show the moment of K’s life, when he is possessed by the urge to eat.
B、To show that his sadness after the death of his mother.
C、To show the state of great hunger.
D、To show his stupidity.

9、【单选题】When K hides in the mountain, why are his senses interaction with world depicted in detail?
A、To show the effect of war.
B、To present an animal-like state in which he loses connection with society.
C、To show his inability in rational thinking.
D、To show his stupidity.

10、【单选题】What is the symbolic meaning of fasting?
A、It can mean purification of one’s body.
B、It means denial of one’s earthly needs.
C、It means dissatisfaction over one’s body.
D、Both a and b.

11、【单选题】Why is K fascinated by the picture of pork and pineapple in the magazine?
A、He wants to provide his mother with such kind of life.
B、He has never seen such kind of delicacy before.
C、It shows his longing for better food and stable life.
D、It shows his simple-mindedness.

12、【单选题】Why is the food in the magazine depicted with vivid coloring and detail?
A、To indicate aesthetic pursuit of human beyond basic needs.
B、To depict an ideal life.
C、To show the importance of food.
D、To show the poor condition he is in.

13、【单选题】Why does K refuse the food in the labor camp?
A、Because it causes damage to one’s health.
B、Because it is too coarse and innutritious.
C、Because it has a flavor of forced labor and exploitation.
D、Because he does not have money to pay for it.

14、【单选题】What is the reason for depicting K as “feeling stupid” when hearing words such as morality, responsibility?
A、Because K is a being whose simple way of living questions the definition of social and natural aspects of human being.
B、Because K is depicted as a simple person to show the meaning of the simplest existence as a human being.
C、Because K does not like being cornered.
D、Both a and b.

15、【单选题】In what way is K’s life representative of human being in a time of social upheaval?
A、He is an invalid leading a life of recluse.
B、He contributes his own bit although he is caught in an uncontrollable force.
C、He gives up almost everything he has, even his will to live.
D、He has lost his mother to the war.

16、【单选题】Why is he overjoyed in eating the first slice of pumpkin?
A、Because it is the first taste of food that is grown by himself.
B、Because it tastes really delicious.
C、Because it means that he will not go hungry again.
D、Because it is fresh out of the field.

17、【单选题】Why is the act of growing crops given such kind of significance in the story?
A、Because it gives K supply of energy to go on living.
B、Because growing crops will be able to help the rebel’s resistance and fighting.
C、Because cultivation is what sustains human civilization.
D、Because it is his profession.

18、【单选题】How is K’s cultivation different from Crusoe’s in Robison Crusoe?
A、K’s cultivation is for basic survival, while Crusoe’s is also for accumulation of assets.
B、K is in South African but Crusoe is the owner of the island.
C、K is an invalid who follows his instinct of survival while Crusoe is a enterprising person.
D、K lacks of the entrepreneurship of Crusoe.

19、【单选题】Why is K’s farm depicted as suffering from the shortage of water?
A、It corresponds to the shortage of all the other vital supplies people suffer in the novel.
B、It shows a time of social upheaval when any material possession is scarce.
C、Water is the source of life.
D、Both a and b.

20、【单选题】In the novel, which two are posed as being in conflict with each other?
A、Conflict of animal being and social being.
B、Conflict of peaceful nature and unrest society.
C、Duality of sensual body and rational thinking.
D、Duality of mind and emotion.

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