The main idea of Para. 2:

lk2025-03-14  3

题目:The main idea of Para. 2:

A. It's safe to say "I don't know" to your customers.

B. You need to be an information expert to your products or services.

C. Leave your customer with an unanswered question is acceptable.



. You can sit here in your spare time. You can sit here when you’re ______.在试行的全过程中,若试车中出现异常,监理工程师应采取的措施是()A: Why did your boss shout at you? B:[填 空]. He was just in a bad mood.锌缺乏的临床表现为 ( )下列食品防腐剂中可以在中性条件下使用的是( )The United Nations defines an aging society ______ one that has 10 percent of its population at or above the age of 60.I just want to_____ some useful experience there.But sharing our experiences in an_____ way to connect with other people is what makes us interesting...running changes your brain and mind in some fascinating ways from increasing your brain function to ______ your emotions.与动脉粥样硬化症发生关系最密切的血浆脂蛋白是有两个力作用在一个有固定转轴的刚体上,下面说法正确的是哪几项?( )半径分别为R和r的两个金属球,相距很远. 用一根长导线将两球连接,并使它们带电.在忽略导线影响的情况下,两球表面的电荷面密度之比s<sub>R<sub> s<sub>r为:1932年中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府发布《对日战争宣言》,正式对日宣战。“一五”计划完成后,我国工业产值超过了农业产值。市场公共需要随着社会进步和经济发展而不断变化,它是推动政府改革的“原动力”。消费政府提供的公共产品时,( )。在经济发达国家,被称为市场分配、政府分配之外的社会“第三次分配”的是( )。古巴比伦人用假设的方法解决了等差数列的问题。()在下列选项中,哪些属于朴素唯物主义自然观的观点?患者,女,34岁。停经10周,因急性下腹痛,阴道流血3小时而急诊就医,阴道排出物中见到水泡状组织,B超:子宫增大如孕3个月,宫腔内未见胎儿。其疾病诊断,首先考虑为 (1分)
