The main idea of Para. 2:

lk2025-03-14  6

题目:The main idea of Para. 2:

A. It's safe to say "I don't know" to your customers.

B. You need to be an information expert to your products or services.

C. Leave your customer with an unanswered question is acceptable.



土壤含水量的多少,直接影响作物根系的发育。用来描述部位高低的方位术语是( )( )( )The patient _____ the doctor’s instructions, though he doesn’t feel like it.下列说法正确的是Which language family does Chinese language belong to?马克思主义自然观认为,自然界是( )的统一。1979年,在党的理论务虚会上,邓小平正式提出“中国式的现代化”概念,强调“中国式的现代化,必须从中国的特点出发”,即从( )的现实国情出发。国家工作人员肖某在经济往来中,违反国家规定,收受某公司的回扣40000元,归个人所有,肖某的行为构成( )依照党的政策建立现代教育管理的必由之路。( ). I can’t find the key to my office. I ______ have lost it on my way home.continue;语句只能用在循环结构中。必需氨基酸有( )纪纲的作用是严明()关系,因而历来受到统治者的重视学前儿童科学教育活动评价的一般步骤包括:()、制定评价方案、实施评价方案、处理评价结果。贷款利率政策是我国信贷政策的一个重要组成部分 。以下( )属于城市政府的现代职能。International trade refers to both import and export....many of the male educators surveyed in the study reported facing social or cultural resistance in their _____as early educatiHe is respected as a very aggressive and competitive_____ .Owners defined as individuals with high levels of anxiety, fear, anger, _______ and loneliness were more likely to have cats wit
