法律关系属于上层建筑和( )

lk2025-03-14  7

题目:法律关系属于上层建筑和( )

A. 物质社会关系

B. 思想社会关系

C. 抽象的权利义务关系

D. 现实的权利义务关系



阈电位是指“不作为”行为构成犯罪。犯罪客体即是刑法所保护的利益。A: Could you put the books on bookshelves, please? B: Of course. ______A:That's all. Everything else has been done.食品的物理检验包括( )。Situation: Two persons are talking over the phone. Speaker A: Hello, may I speak to Henry? Speaker B: This is Henry speaking. __依照《刑事诉讼法》的规定,下列关于讯问地点的说法,正确的是( )。薪炭林树种应选择造林材料丰富,育苗造林技术简单易掌握的树种。( )用户可以从两个或两个以上方向取得电能的接线方式,称为( )在写意的黄鹂画法中,我们可以先上色,再用墨来泼的方法呈现。()下列选项中,可提起行政诉讼的行为是( )被称为“构成法律的最基本细胞”的是( )The lines were thought to have been a system of canals that had been built to _____ the surface....many of the male educators surveyed in the study reported facing social or cultural resistance in their _____as early educatiWe love to establish a _____ and stick with it.You gave a great _____ sketch in the beginning.Nothing is known of the period between the birth of the twins and Shakespeare’s _____as a dramatist in London in the early 1590sThe _______ of the house, including the fittings and furniture, was also designed by the same person.Fortunately, all the blueprints for both the building and its contents have been _____, so we’ve been able to replace badly dama通过缝合曲面命令,有可能把曲面变成实体
