...argues that _____ this approach"could actually result in worse outcomes for individuals and society.”

lk2025-03-14  4

题目:...argues that _____ this approach"could actually result in worse outcomes for individuals and society.”

A. adapting

B. dropping

C. adopting

D. adoption



注册资本发生改变的,应当办理变更登记。元朝在户籍制度方面实施的是()制度。教育法规调整的社会关系可以分为两类:具有纵向隶属性特征的教育行政关系和具有横向平等性特征的教育民事关系。( )2014年5月28日至5月29日,( )在北京召开。( )体育教学设计,又称体育教学方案,简称“教案”。薪炭林灌丛作业法采用平茬作业。( )上传当前目录下的本地文件file txt到分布式文件系统HDFS的“path"目录下的Shell命令是( )。下列关于各类特殊儿童说法,正确的是( )食品检验的一般程序包括( )。. Situation: Two persons are talking about their work. Speaker A: How long have you been in the new position? Speaker B: _______通风结构林带一般由几行乔木组成,没有下木。其按透光孔隙分布,具有两个明显的层次。( )有权撤销国务院行政法规的主体是( )Some countries do not allow international trade, and it is called.The authors also suggest that traditional_____ approaches for early childhood educators “do not address the gender gap in the fiWe risk upsetting the _____ balance of the area....risks reducing _____, disempowering and robbing people of the intrinsic(内在的)motivation that is such an important enabler of cThis _____of biographical information is due primarily to his social position ; he was not a noble, but the son of a leather tra面对完全相同的内部和外部条件,机器人之间在股市操作上存在输赢的结果。()新中国成立时,全国城镇人口只有5765万人,城市化率为( ),同时期发达国家的平均超过50%。市场机制由( )共同组成。
