At the time, most large homes were constructed of timber and brick. This one, however, is made of ______, a novel construction m

lk2025-03-14  4

题目:At the time, most large homes were constructed of timber and brick. This one, however, is made of ______, a novel construction material in those days.

A. content

B. concrete

C. context

D. concept



组成蛋白质的元素中,比较恒定的是 ( )蛋白质的基本化学单位是( )金元之际北方道教中最显赫的派教是()。. We can certainly deliver high-quality education to many students at much ____ cost.A: Don't tell me you've got a headache again. B:______.A: It's a long journey. You look tired.[填空 ]? B: Yes. Could you take that suitcase, please? A: Sure.Situation: Matt inquires Nancy. Matt: Must I register tomorrow? Nancy: No, you ________. You can go next week.中国人民抗日战争开端的标志是什么?下列选项中,属于可诉性行政行为的是( )Some countries do not allow international trade, and it is called...., and three days was a _____ amount of time to wait before baptizing a newly born baby.算法作出的价格往往会比人作出的市场价格要合理。()在细胞增殖过程中DNA复制并且仅复制一次,DNA复制起始复合物装配受到严格调控,下述蛋白中在DNA复制起始后可直接结合起始复合物关键蛋白Cdt1使其失活的概算定额章说明一般包括( )说明等内容。在10个考签中,有4个难签,6个易签。甲、乙、丙参加抽签考试,次序为先甲、次乙、后丙,丙抽到难签的概率是(    )。梅文鼎《勾股举隅》中给出了勾股定理的证明方法。()(2)、抛了10次还没有出现6点,问第11次抛掷出6点的概率为多大?邓某,女性,32岁。因甲状腺功能亢进入院,准备择期接受甲状腺大部分切除术治疗。T 36.5℃, P 104次分,R 18次,BP 12075mmHg。 为了抑制甲状腺素的释放,减少甲状腺血供,常用于药物准备的是 (1分)患者,女性,37岁。因肺炎链球菌肺炎在诊所用药治疗,未见好转。今天在一所三甲医院确诊肺炎伴感染性休克, 提示的依据主要是 (1分)医疗事故侵犯的客体是 (1分)
