He ______ his client’s life and habits.

lk2025-03-14  7

题目:He ______ his client’s life and habits.

A. observed

B. glanced

C. sparked

D. tempted



马克思主义自然观认为,人类对自然界的改造活动应该( )。马克思主义自然观认为,科学技术的发展应服务于人类的全面发展和社会进步。动作电位的特点之一是大地水准面可定义为( )。根据我国刑法规定,贪污罪的犯罪对象只能是(  )依照党的政策建立现代教育管理的必由之路。( ). Thanks for helping me. Without your help, I ______ not obtain today’s success.A: Can you keep an eye on my bag? B:[填 空] A: No. I'm going to the bathroom.A: It's a long journey. You look tired.[填空 ]? B: Yes. Could you take that suitcase, please? A: Sure.a化淀粉在80摄氏度以上迅速脱水至10%以下,可防止变老化,如加压膨化食品、油炸食品就是利用此原理加工而成。( )科学运动的核心在于什么 ( )民用飞机一般采用反推力着陆辅助。航空母舰的舰载飞机一般采用______帮助起飞。城市化既包括人口、政治、经济、生产和地理空间等的集中化、中心化,也包括生产关系和( )等的城市化。This is_____ how Jessica Hagy starts her day.This _____of biographical information is due primarily to his social position ; he was not a noble, but the son of a leather traThe _______ of the house, including the fittings and furniture, was also designed by the same person.At the time, most large homes were constructed of timber and brick. This one, however, is made of ______, a novel construction mAccording to the official news agency, Russian _____ have recovered more than 170 gold bars weighing 20 kilograms each.动脉粥样硬化症是指
