An average runners live three years longer than non-runners and that running does more to _____ life than any other form of exer

lk2025-03-14  5

题目:An average runners live three years longer than non-runners and that running does more to _____ life than any other form of exercise.

A. extend

B. spread

C. stretch

D. carry



中误差和相对误差都直接反映误差的实际大小,可以用来衡量测量精度。 ( )作为犯罪主体要件的特殊身份,不仅是针对该犯罪的实行犯而言,也适用于教唆犯与帮助犯。食品检验的一般程序包括( )。用户可以从两个或两个以上方向取得电能的接线方式,称为( )疏透结构林带由几行乔木、两侧各配的一行灌木组成,林带较窄,透光孔隙上下分布均匀。( )- I have been having a headache this whole morning. -________________Foreign embassies provide both programs and _______ to promote foreign trade....risks reducing _____, disempowering and robbing people of the intrinsic(内在的)motivation that is such an important enabler of cI just want to_____ some useful experience there.At the time, most large homes were constructed of timber and brick. This one, however, is made of ______, a novel construction m创作与情感是诗意的最终命题。()阶梯拔模中的分型线可以是分割线solidworks旋转视图的方法是人工呼吸机使用不当可直接引起:细胞周期蛋白激酶活性受多种因素影响,如周期蛋白结合、磷酸化去磷酸化及抑制蛋白结合,其中能直接结合并抑制CDK46激酶活性的蛋白是关于电势与电场强度的描述,正确的是( )市场公共需要随着社会进步和经济发展而不断变化,它是推动政府改革的“原动力”。政府职能在不同的社会形态,不同的经济发展阶段和不同的政治经济体制下都是没有差别的。属于财政资源配置职能范围的是( )。公共财政的根本特征是( )。
