An average runners live three years longer than non-runners and that running does more to _____ life than any other form of exer

lk2025-03-14  6

题目:An average runners live three years longer than non-runners and that running does more to _____ life than any other form of exercise.

A. extend

B. spread

C. stretch

D. carry



体内葡萄糖分子进入细胞内是通过( )神经细胞膜电位由﹣70mV转变为﹣50mV时称( )A: Hello, this is Bill. I'd like to speak with Mr Wang, please. B:______元朝诸色户计制度一旦确定就需世袭充任,不能随意更动。在施工过程的质量控制中,工程施工预检是指()A: This is like the best film I've ever seen. B: ______. I'm trying to concentrate on my work.负责组织制定国家药物政策和国家基本药物制度的部门是下列关于各类特殊儿童说法,正确的是( )下列脂肪酸属于饱和脂肪酸的有( )气相色谱分析时,进样量过小,将会使( )。. Situation: It’s 9:00 now. M: I think the business meeting will start at __________. W: OK. We still have time to get there.张某,女,17周岁,高中三年级学生,因涉嫌抢劫罪被公安机关立案侦查。侦查人员讯问张某,下述说法正确的是( )。( )接线主要表示系统中发电机、变压器、母线、断路器、电力线路等主要电机、电器、线路之间的电气接线。What kinds of quotation does Jenny expect?Recent signals indicate that Chinese policymakers are looking____ prioritize growth stabilization over risk prevention, althoughYet the widespread view is that obesity is self-induced and that it is entirely the individual's_____ to do something about创作与情感是诗意的最终命题。()AB和SB均高于正常,且AB>SB,表示可能有在细胞增殖过程中DNA复制并且仅复制一次,DNA复制起始复合物装配受到严格调控,下述蛋白中在DNA复制起始后可直接结合起始复合物关键蛋白Cdt1使其失活的不同细胞的增殖周期差异明显,细胞周期的长短取决于
