There is _______ evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.

lk2025-03-14  4

题目:There is _______ evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.

A. reinforcing

B. multiplying

C. convincing

D. emphasizing



根据我国刑法的规定,劫持航空器罪的行为对象是(  )中国共产党在( )制定了民主革命纲领。单位工程质量验收合格的条件,除构成单位工程的各分部工程质量合格外,还应()A: It's a long journey. You look tired.[填空 ]? B: Yes. Could you take that suitcase, please? A: Sure.冲破思想观念的障碍、突破利益固化的藩篱,( )是首要的。氟骨病和氟斑牙主要是由于( )的原因造成的观察真菌,推荐使用带以下标志的光学显微镜物镜分析天平对其所在环境要求是( )。Situation: Two persons are talking over the phone. Speaker A: Hello, may I speak to Henry? Speaker B: This is Henry speaking. __周公为了巩固周王朝的统治,制定了敬天、保民、明德、慎刑罚等等施政思想,最重要和最有机制的是保民和明德()是理学的开山祖师,他引老庄思想入儒,提出太极说。著作有《太极图说》、《通书》(又名《易通》)Recent signals indicate that Chinese policymakers are looking____ prioritize growth stabilization over risk prevention, although在法律解释中,从传统的角度,民法法系国家比较趋向于( )International trade refers to both import and export.The lines were thought to have been a system of canals that had been built to _____ the surface.If' you are a very _____ person, this could be a little difficult at first.急性轻度高钾血症对神经肌肉的影响是:关于高斯定理,以下说法错误的是:( )通过税收和支出等政策,为政府满足各种公共需要提供财力保障的职能是:马先生,22岁,诊断为急性化脓性腹膜炎,因未及时治疗导致败血症。该病人发热时常见的热型为 (1分)
