There is _______ evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.

lk2025-03-14  8

题目:There is _______ evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer.

A. reinforcing

B. multiplying

C. convincing

D. emphasizing



下列诗歌中属于李贺作品的有( )。微灌和渗灌都属于局部灌溉。下列属于休闲农业的经营实体有( )教学设计主要解决课堂教学的三个问题是什么?( )在下肢,小腿的外侧又称为( )( )It seems extremely unlikely that he will pass the examination.发生火灾时,消防人员不能为了避免火灾对本人的危险而采取紧急避险。教育法规调整的社会关系可以分为两类:具有纵向隶属性特征的教育行政关系和具有横向平等性特征的教育民事关系。( ). We can certainly deliver high-quality education to many students at much ____ cost.He ______ driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby.A: Can you keep an eye on my bag? B:[填 空] A: No. I'm going to the bathroom.矿物质具有以下特点( )解冻中品质变化以( )为主要。17周岁的张某被检察院附条件不起诉,在考验期内违反规定,被撤销附条件不起诉的决定,提起公诉。下列不属于撤销情形的是( )。职工因公出差领取差旅费时所填写的"借款单",应在职工报销差旅费并结清借款时退还给职工。(  )速生丰产林树种选择应坚持以选用乡土树种为主,适当引用优良的外来树种。( )What is the commission of Mike's supplier in Europe?性染色体疾病是下列哪一项?()Reports suggest some bars of gold were ______ up to fifteen miles away from the airport.Owners’ personalities affect their cats’ behaviour and _______.
