What is the deadline for business tax?

lk2025-03-14  6

题目:What is the deadline for business tax?

A. It is due within the last 10 days of the following month.

B. It is due within the first 10 days of the following month.

C. It is due within the first 10 days of the previous month.



IEEE754标准中,阶码的偏移值为127.IEEE754标准规定的32位浮点数中,符号位为1位,阶码为8位,则它所能表示的最大规格化正数为( )。During the reign of ___________, England became the “Mistress on the Sea”.下列属于孟子的思想主张有反滤的作用是滤土排水、防止水工建筑物在渗流渗出处遭受管涌、流土等渗流变形的破坏以及不同土层界面处的接触冲刷。 ( )马克思主义自然观认为,科学技术的发展应( )。马克思主义自然观认为,生态危机的解决需要全球合作。经伟仪整平的目的是( )。纳税人将购买的货物无偿赠送他人,因该货物购买时已缴增值税,因此,赠送他人时可不再计入销售额征税。学校主要职责就是把智育教育放在首位,不断提高教师教学水平,促进学生成绩不断提高。( )除国家法律、行政法规另有规定外,银行不得为任何单位或个人查询账户情况。( )A: I didn't know you play basketball. Are you having fun? B: I'm having a great time. 填空]What are you doing?A: I've got a really bad cough.B:______A: Good afternoon. I'd like to book a table or two for 7pm on Sunday, please. B:[填空设x=3以及y=2,下面代码的输出结果是()。 if (x > 2) if (y > 2) { int z = x + y; System.out.println(" z is " + z ); } else谷类中的碳水化合物主要为( )明末清初,伴随着封建制度弊端的暴露和社会的剧烈动荡,()在反思明亡的过程中,将批判的矛头指向了君主专制体制,他们主张天下为公,反对化公为私,提出了宰相理政、学校议政等改革设想。他们的思想代表着我国古代政治学说的最高成就,对后世产生了巨大影响一、三号院的研修间与研讨室均需要预约后使用关于违法的正确表述是( )It is possible that the well-being of pets is driven by the ______ nature of the owner, not simply by their conscious decisions
