下列说法正确的有( )。

lk2025-03-14  4

题目:下列说法正确的有( )。

A. 公共品有复杂的需要显示机制

B. 公共品分为公共品和准公共品

C. 公共品只能采取政府单一的提供方式

D. 公共品是与私人品相对应的



将人体分成左右对称两部分的切面是( )( )马克思主义自然观认为,生态危机的根源在于( )。马克思主义自然观认为,自然界是永恒的产生和消灭。危害行为必然造成危害结果。行为人以不作为的方式故意导致他人死亡的,是不纯正不作为犯。A: Long time no see, Mary. B:______A: OK.( )是中国的“第二次革命”,是实现中国现代化的必由之路。以下哪些属于学前儿童的情绪障碍( )气相色谱分析时,进样量过小,将会使( )。农田牧场防护林带,当主要害风风向比较集中,其他方向的害风频率均很小时,可以不设副林带。( )以下哪些是识别危机状态的行为征兆()?商业银行代理政策性银行业务 ,具有 ( )的特点。造林面积以亩为单位,保留 1 位小数。( )Low pay has long been acknowledged as a major _____ in the early childhood field.The authorities have mobilized vast numbers of people to _____ flooded land and build or repair dikes.Experts say this can have an_____ on young children whose understanding of gender roles and identity are rapidly forming.You can effectively _____ the dark Ones by denying them the lower energies that they feed upon.It’s usually a matter of_____ .As his great_____ the poet and dramatist Ben Jonson said, “He was not of an age, but for all time.”At the time, most large homes were constructed of timber and brick. This one, however, is made of ______, a novel construction m
