某女,第1胎,孕38周,双胎。第1胎儿为臀位脐带脱垂,臀牵引娩出,第2胎儿头位自娩,产后25分钟突然阴道出血250ml,胎盘尚无剥离迹象。双胎分娩,预防产后出血,最常用的方法是 (1分)

lk2025-03-14  6

题目:某女,第1胎,孕38周,双胎。第1胎儿为臀位脐带脱垂,臀牵引娩出,第2胎儿头位自娩,产后25分钟突然阴道出血250ml,胎盘尚无剥离迹象。双胎分娩,预防产后出血,最常用的方法是 (1分)

A. 按压宫底

B. 胎儿娩出时立即腹部放置砂袋

C. 宫腔填塞纱布

D. 第2胎儿前肩娩出时,静脉应用催产素

E. 单手按摩子宫



立德树人背景下,评价学生的主要标准是( )下列领导人连续任职不得超过两届的有马克思主义自然观认为,人与自然的关系是辩证统一的。根据我国刑法的规定,判处死刑缓期执行2年后,减为无期徒刑的犯罪分子,必须具备的条件是:( )普通高等学校的教师资格由高等学校自行认定。( )元朝在户籍制度方面实施的是()制度。( )体育教学设计,又称体育教学方案,简称“教案”。2 价值是( )、服务和价格的组合。Constant showers are characteristic ____ the summer here.A: I like this flat very much, but I'd like to come and see it on Friday at 5 o'clock. Will that be convenient?B:_____A: Why did you tell the whole world about my past? B:______.A: I didn't know you play basketball. Are you having fun? B: I'm having a great time. 填空]What are you doing?疏透结构林带由几行乔木、两侧各配的一行灌木组成,林带较窄,透光孔隙上下分布均匀。( )葡萄糖分子在代谢过程中,有氧气条件下产生的ATP要比无氧条件下少。()被称为“构成法律的最基本细胞”的是( )Xinjiang is one of the main _____ areas, the erosion of sand and salt soil are serious.Nothing is known of the period between the birth of the twins and Shakespeare’s _____as a dramatist in London in the early 1590sFortunately, all the blueprints for both the building and its contents have been _____, so we’ve been able to replace badly damaRegular exercise will improve blood ______.在进行实际零件设计建模时,草绘都应该全约束,而且尽量避免用直接固定方式来全约束。
