世界各国的财政支出都以( )为主

lk2025-03-14  4

题目:世界各国的财政支出都以( )为主

A. 无偿拨款

B. 转移支付

C. 财政补贴

D. 有偿贷款



到建国100年,我国物质文明、政治文明、精神文明、( )、生态文明将全面提升,实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,成为综合国力和国际影响力领先的国家。A: Mr. Wang, I'm very much impressed. There's no need for further questions. B:[填 .A: Could you put the books on bookshelves, please? B: Of course. ______A:That's all. Everything else has been done.下列哪位修道者投靠成吉思汗,将全真教教发展为第一大教。()学校主要职责就是把智育教育放在首位,不断提高教师教学水平,促进学生成绩不断提高。( )普通高等学校的教师资格由高等学校自行认定。( )2 ( )是没有得到某些基本满足的感受状态。它是人类与生俱来的。 A欲望 B产品 C需要 D需求2 ( )是人们有能力购买并愿意购买某个具体产品的欲望。薪炭林灌丛作业法采用平茬作业。( )疏透结构林带由几行乔木、两侧各配的一行灌木组成,林带较窄,透光孔隙上下分布均匀。( )比例分为哪些?This passage is targeted NOT for _______....many of the male educators surveyed in the study reported facing social or cultural resistance in their _____as early educatiIf' you are a very _____ person, this could be a little difficult at first.The researchers said _____exercise appears to have helped those participants to be less vulnerable to the impact of the sad moviOwners defined as individuals with high levels of anxiety, fear, anger, _______ and loneliness were more likely to have cats witThe author of the report is well ________ with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years.(2)、(X)的三阶中心矩为病人,女,25岁。做青霉素过敏试验,20分钟后观察,结果是:局部皮丘隆起,出现红晕,直径是1.5cm,应判断为 (1分)患者,女,34岁。停经10周,因急性下腹痛,阴道流血3小时而急诊就医,阴道排出物中见到水泡状组织,B超:子宫增大如孕3个月,宫腔内未见胎儿。其疾病诊断,首先考虑为 (1分)
