Section B For every word in Column A, find its explanation in Column B.

lk2025-03-04  2

题目:Section B For every word in Column A, find its explanation in Column B.

A. ["priority","miserable","describe","energy","recommend","sober","ironically","coach","schedule","endurance"]

B. ["to give a picture of (someone or something) in words","thoughtful, serious, or solemn; not silly","looking at something for information","a person who gives private instruction (as in singing, acting, etc.)","the state, quality, position, or right of being first in position or earlier in time","plan for an activity or event","to speak in favor of; praise","the power to withstand hardship or stress","very unhappy or uncomfortable","contrary to plan or expectation; in an ironic manner","the quality of being full of life and action","pay one’s bill and leave the hotel"]



酒店()发生的可能性比火灾及自然灾害高。()可以直接满足酒店顾客的物质需要,其质量高低也是影响顾客满意度的一个重要因素。下列几组词语中,含有贬义色彩的是( )。固定组比较设计的主要优点是什么?下列关于自然失业率的说法哪一个是正确的?()下列语句中不是命题的是( )酸碱平衡障碍的类型有哪4种?文学风格初中生的主要记忆手段是下列那个词不能用来描述当今的这个世纪( )一平行板电容器,极板面积为S,极板间距为d,接电源充电并保持电压恒定为U,若将极板间距拉大为2d,则电容器所存储的静电能变为原来的两倍。把压电换能器的接收信号接至示波器,调整信号发生器的输出频率,当信号频率等于压电换能器的固有谐振频率时,可观察到示波器上的正弦信号振幅值达到最大。此时,换能器S1和S2之间的驻波处于共振状态。下列属于等高线特性的有_____。A good literature review (文献综述) doesn’t just summarize the scholarly sources, it aims to analyze, interpret and critically evaluReferences, the last section of an academic paper, refers to a collection of books, or passages, or dictionary or encyclopedia, 看到红、橙、黄色使人产生温暖的感觉的现象叫:电路在断路后电流和电压都消失了叠加原理运用于______。用戴维南定理求等值内阻是电源为零时的电阻值。下列属于外文学术文献数据库的有()
