Match the words with their definitions:champion

lk2025-02-25  5

题目:Match the words with their definitions:champion

A. the final game in a series that decides the champion

B. a large building where some sporting events are played

C. a series of games played at the end of the regular season to determine the champion

D. a player who has been chosen to lead his or her team

E. a person who is trained in or plays sports very well

F. people who attend a sporting event to watch it

G. someone or a team who has won a competition



margin: 属性能够设置盒模型的左侧外补丁。Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the given words in appropriate form.:Although he's nearFill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the given words in appropriate form.:He made an unsuccessful某企业流动负债200万元,流动资产400万元,其中:应收票据50万元,存货90万元,待摊费用3万元,预付账款7万元,应收账款200万元,则流动比率为在下列情形中,按假药论处的有( )在CRTMDI面板的功能键中,显示机床现在位置的键是( )。.Most of the retired people are happy____________ their quiet life in the countryside.带传动中,v1为主动轮圆周速度、v2为从动轮圆周速度、v为带速,这些速度之间存在的关系是(   )。Multiple choices. According to the text, choose the best answer for each of the following questions. :Among these competition it电影的叙事空间不包含下面哪项( )关于RS-485与RS-232两种通信方式,下列说法正确的是( )。STM32定时器6时钟频率为72MHz,能够实现定时时间为1秒的设置是( )。( )是反映企业在一定会计期间内成果的动态报表,可以反映企业的收入和费用等情况。需求弹性系数等于( )。男孩,5岁。高热2小时,反复惊厥3次。发病前曾于公园游玩并进食玉米、葡萄等。既往健康,生长发育与正常同龄儿相仿。查体:T 40.5℃,BP 8060mmHg,神志不清,面色发青,四肢凉,双瞳孔对光反应迟钝。外周血白细胞15x10<sup>9L。某有限责任公司中的董事甲有轿车一辆,打算卖给本公司。该公司章程未对董事、监事、高级管理人员与本公司进行交易加以规定。甲将轿车卖给公司的行为( )。接口架用或组合架号编号最多10层,采用( )编号。( )承运人有义务确保旅客运输安全正点。列车内发布广告应符合( )。目前,在我国的火车类型当中,运行速度最快的是( )
