Everyone would have heard the famous phrase “Anger is one letter short of danger”. It is an age-old adage,but it is 1 and still

lk2025-02-21  6

题目:Everyone would have heard the famous phrase “Anger is one letter short of danger”. It is an age-old adage,but it is 1 and still holds true. Thing said or done during anger have created 2 with a lot of people and things. The 3 packed bag of mental frustration 4 into a volcano of anger. But basically let’s try to analyze 5 one gets angry? When one is not satisfied with the way things have 6,when someone has been taken for a ride, when one 7 life for treating him badly, and many such 8 things are the various reasons. All the frustrations get collected on one part of our mind and when we can 9 it no longer, our feelings are 10 in the form of a volcano of emotional tantrums. Anger is one of the major hindrances in self-development, because it 11 our outlook. The mind looses its 12 of logic and fairness, when it is accelerated by the arrogant mood of anger. Getting angry can get your things done 13, but not everywhere. This is because 14 you grow, you yourself are responsible to clean your recycle bin of emotions and frustrations. No one has the foresight or 15 to judge what has brought you 16 that violent mood or what hardships you have faced. Angry people hardly go places. The 17 one comes to this piece of reality, the better he will get. The best way to counterattack anger is to absorb patience in ourselves. A person with infinite patience has matured mentally, and is the bravest war-horse over the 18 of anger. He controlled himself every time and got 19 from trying circumstances using the best lifeline available. Such people are always in 20 with themselves and are always enjoying life. 1. A. tested B. testified C. examined D. confirmed 2. A. ruin B. disaster C. damage D. suffering 3. A. toughly B. tightly C. firmly D. securely 4. A. emerges B. bursts C. explodes D. erupts 5. A. how B. where C. why D. which 6. A. gone B. done C. made D. kept 7. A. scolds B. accuses C. criticizes D. blames 8. A. slight B. valueless C. trivial D. ordinary 9. A. hear B. bear C. fear D. tear 10. A. vented B. expressed C. uttered D. extended 11. A. lessens B. shortens C. contracts D. narrows 12. A. sense B. concept C. emotion D. feeling 13. A. nowhere B. anywhere C. somewhere D. otherwhere 14. A. when B. after C. along D. as 15. A. ability B. capacity C. talent D. power 16. A. by B. with C. to D. of 17. A. farther B. closer C. further D. nearer 18. A. path B. way C. road D. track 19. A. on B. far C. out D. away 20. A. pace B. accordance C. peace D. control



某一生产步骤已经制造完成的中间产品不一定都通过 “自制半成品”账户进行核算。( )目标市场选择是一个不断深化、反复修正的过程,在实际工作中,有些时候甚至会推翻原有的一切定论,重新开始新一轮的研究。消费者的购买决策过程是从( )开始的。某开发商利用公司原有的技术、特长、经验来发展新的房地产产品,以增加公司产品的品种和种类。这家公司采用的是( )。不可修复废品是指()假设某企业某产品工时定额为40小时,经两道工序组成,每道工序的工时定额分别为30小时和10小时,则第二道工序的完工程度为( )。采用定额比例法和定额成本法计算在产品成本,其计算结果应当是一致的。( )机件的可见轮廓线用()绘制。下面说法正确的是计划成本分配法适用于已经实现电算化的企业。(  )晶体管输出方式则用于()肉牛育肥在从采购架子牛到育肥出栏,育肥时间不长一般不超过24个月,流动性较强,作为流动资产核算较为科学。生产力是人类在生产实践中形成的改造和影响自然以使其适合社会需要的物质力量,它反映的是( )。语言学家认为,语言是一个动态的系统,社会变化是语言演变的重要条件;语言的不断更迭,也直观、生动地体现着社会脉动。2020年,第12版《新华字典》收录了“拼购”“刷屏”等网络词语,经由这类网络热词,可以感受时代发展的进程。以上材料说明( )。个人礼仪的基本要求是 ( )。异烟酸- 巴比妥酸光度法测定水中氰化物的原理是:在( ) 条件下,水样中氰化物与氯胺 T 作用生成氯化氰,然后与异烟酸反应,经水解而生成戊烯二醛,最后再与巴比妥酸作用成紫蓝色化合物,于 600 nm 波长处测量吸光度。国家地表水水质自动监测仪 pH 标准溶液核查允许误差范围为≤±0.15,实际水样比对允许误差范围是≤( ) 。向1mLpH=1.8的盐酸中加入水()才能使溶液的pH=2.8。以K2Cr2O7法测定铁矿石中铁含量时,用c(K2Cr2O7)=0.02mol/L滴定,消耗18.26mL。设试样含铁以Fe2O3(其摩尔质量为159.69g/mol)计约为50%,则试样称取量应为( )。已知M(ZnO)=81.38g/mol,用它来标定0.02mol的EDTA溶液,宜称取ZnO为 ()。
