Banked cloze If you've got a child getting ready to pack up for college, there are some ways you can help. 1. Web-surf the

lk2025-02-20  6

题目:Banked cloze If you've got a child getting ready to pack up for college, there are some ways you can help. 1. Web-surf the college. Go to the website of the school your child will be (1)______ and, together, explore the academic side of things. The more your child knows about college requirements, available majors and minors, and individual course offerings, the (2)______ it'll be for him or her to navigate the college once there. 2. Set the (e-)rules. Determine how often your child wants you to call. And decide on social media rules: Are you (3)______ to post to your student's wall? Can you tag him or her in family photos? Are you going to be "friended" at all? 3. Have "the talk." It's not too late – or too soon – to review the basics. Discuss with your child the (4)______ of college: too much partying, risky sexual behavior, recreational drug use, and simple (5)______ of sleep. If this is your child's first extended time away from home, he or she will (6)______ from your life experience. 4.Resign as manager. Many parents, especially conscientious ones, are used to "helping" their kids study for tests, "reminding" them of upcoming deadlines, and "going over" the homework (7)______. But one of the most important skills in college is for your child to learn to do all this on his or her own. Don't stand in the way of your child's becoming a good student – and a responsible adult – by holding onto a high-school parenting model. A. dangers B. lack C. attending D. later E. nightly F. easier G. benefit H. allowed I. persuaded J. apparently



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