二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为“T”,错误为“F”。 I Am a Courier I am a courier. Many people today are glad to see us, because they expec

lk2025-02-20  9

题目:二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为“T”,错误为“F”。 I Am a Courier I am a courier. Many people today are glad to see us, because they expect to receive what they have bought on the Internet. When I see their eager faces, I feel that my job is valuable. I am proud of my job. Why did I choose to be a courier? The first benefit is, I think, couriers can usually deliver an item faster than it would have taken if sent by other means. For example, a person may need to send a document to someone else. He could do this by sending it through the mail. If the two parties are in the same city, this transaction is likely to take at least one day. Couriers, however, usually can make it happen within hours. Secondly, couriers generally offer a receipt for the delivery and that can make their clients feel more secure. Postal services generally are not as efficient in this regard. Even text messages and e-mails may not be comparable. In many cases, without delivery confirmation, the sender knows that something was sent, but there is no confirmation as to whether it was received or when it was received. Most importantly, the Internet has changed people’s shopping habits. More and more people tend to shop on the Internet. The goods bought on the Internet have to be delivered by couriers. So a courier can make more money if he wants to work longer hours. That’s why I have chosen to work as a courier. Well, that’s about my job. Time is money. I have to send packages to the next place now. Talk to you later. 1.People are glad to see couriers because they can bring people good luck. 2. Couriers can deliver items faster than other means only in the same city. 3. Postal services generally are not as efficient because there isn’t delivery confirmation. 4. If working longer hours, couriers can earn more money. 5. The courier who is talking likes his job.

A. ["T","F"]

B. ["T","F"]

C. ["T","F"]

D. ["T","F"]

E. ["T","F"]



泄露电流测试时,电动器具的工作电压为( )。所谓土的固结,主要是指____。不同的财务报告分析主体,需要不同的信息,但是对财务报告分析的侧重点是相同的在设定工件坐标系时,需要找到机床坐标系的零点在机床坐标系的位置。现金等价物包含到期三个月以内的有价证券生产家用电器的企业与房地产公司是( )。边坡稳定性的计算参数有( )。蘅重式挡土墙主要是利用蘅重台上的填料和墙身重心后移来增加墙身稳定,抵抗土压力。路基挡土墙的作用是( )。城镇土地使用税的征税范围( )______不是水利建设对环境的正效应。( )物理指标是评价水质优劣的主要指标之一,下列哪一项不属于物理指标。( )局部视图的断裂边界常以( )表示。地方人民政府可以有选择地贯彻和执行国防动员工作的方针、政策和法律、法规。我国《宪法》和《兵役法》都规定了我国公民有支前参战的义务。C语言不允许使用空语句。农业推广对象个体行为改变的外部因素有根据税法规定,汇率的折算方法一经确定,三年内不得随意变动。()无组织排水就是不考虑排水问题税人销售的应税消费品,以人民币以外的货币结算销售额时,应按人民币汇率中间价折合成人民币销售额以后,再按公式计算应纳税额。人民币折合率,既可以采用销售额发生当天的人民币汇率中间价,也可以采用当月1日的人民币汇率中间价。()
