二、阅读理解:阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。 Marry: Hi, Tim. How do you like your new job? Tim: I like it. Marry: I just heard through the gra

lk2025-02-20  9

题目:二、阅读理解:阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。 Marry: Hi, Tim. How do you like your new job? Tim: I like it. Marry: I just heard through the grapevine that you landed a job in a big car company. Tim: Ok, two weeks ago I got a tip that this company wanted to take on some experienced workers who have experience with wireless, electrical car-charging technology. Marry: Oh, Tim: Well, anyway, I made a beeline over to their office, had an interview with the department manager, and was told to start work the next day. Marry: That’s really great. Tim: Right now I’m basically just an office worker, but if I’m given the chance, I want to become the Marketing Director there. Marry: Don’t tell me you’re already looking for a promotion. Tim: No, of course not. I’ve got a lot to learn yet. In the meantime, Marry: Well, I wish you luck. Tim: Thank you.

A. ["So what do you do there exactly?","I just want to be a good team worker and not step on anyone’s toes.","But how did you know about my new job?","you happen to have that work experience.","Can you fill me in on what has been happening?"]

B. ["So what do you do there exactly?","I just want to be a good team worker and not step on anyone’s toes.","But how did you know about my new job?","you happen to have that work experience.","Can you fill me in on what has been happening?"]

C. ["So what do you do there exactly?","I just want to be a good team worker and not step on anyone’s toes.","But how did you know about my new job?","you happen to have that work experience.","Can you fill me in on what has been happening?"]

D. ["So what do you do there exactly?","I just want to be a good team worker and not step on anyone’s toes.","But how did you know about my new job?","you happen to have that work experience.","Can you fill me in on what has been happening?"]

E. ["So what do you do there exactly?","I just want to be a good team worker and not step on anyone’s toes.","But how did you know about my new job?","you happen to have that work experience.","Can you fill me in on what has been happening?"]



华为手机标注IP68,表明其为8级防水,因此把手机放鱼缸里也不会进水。同一流网中,任意两相邻等势线间的势能差相等渗透流速的方向为流线的法线方向在渗流场中某点的渗流力____一个密砂和一个松砂饱和试样,进行三轴不固结不排水剪切试验,试问破坏时试样中的孔隙水压力有何差异___土的强度破坏通常是由于___市净率是每股市价与每股净资产之间的比值,比值越低意味着风险越高习近平总书记在十九大报告中提出的增强政治本领的思维指的是( )。(多选)构建人类命运共同体思想,是一个科学完整、内涵丰富、意义深远的思想体系,其核心内容除了建设清洁美丽的世界外,还包括建设()确定T形梁翼缘计算宽度需要考虑的情况有( )。下列关于企业物流的叙述,不正确的是()衡量一个企业产品组合状况的重要指标是()对于钢筋混凝土框架结构,为了避免温度应力和混凝土收缩应力使房屋产生裂缝,需设置( )。根据全球水资源分布,占比低于2%的有哪些类型的水资源?房产税是以房屋为征税对象,按照房屋的计税余值或租金收入,向产权所有人征收的一种财产税。()资源税的征税范围( )常用化学修复技术主要包括酸碱中和法、絮凝沉淀法、吸附过滤法和_______。( )。对个人按市场价格出租的居民住房取得的所得,暂减按10%的税率征收个人所得税。()企业所得税针对加计扣除的筹划思路,可将技术研发、企业社会责任的承担与国家税收优惠结合起来,增加企业价值。()从筹划的角度,企业要充分利用亏损弥补政策,以取得最大的节税效益。()
