根据《建筑安装工程费用项目组成》(建标201344号)文件的规定,对构件和建筑安装物进行一般鉴定和检查所发生的费用列入( )。

lk2025-02-15  22

题目:根据《建筑安装工程费用项目组成》(建标201344号)文件的规定,对构件和建筑安装物进行一般鉴定和检查所发生的费用列入( )。

A. 材料费

B. 措施费

C. 研究试验费

D. 企业管理费



下列说法错误的是:( )A: I'd like a cup of coffee. B:______, is nstant OK?坚持德育教育,以德为先是我国教育的根本原则。( )A: I'm sorry. Those shoes are not available in your size.B:______A: Robbie, we'll go fishing soon, and we'll take your dad with us. B: I'm ready, Grandpa. ______.A: Why did your boss shout at you? B:[填 空]. He was just in a bad mood.A: Good afternoon. I'd like to book a table or two for 7pm on Sunday, please. B:[填空使用高压蒸汽灭菌器对试管培养基进行灭菌,一般使用的灭菌温度和时间或者压力 是( )接线主要表示系统中发电机、变压器、母线、断路器、电力线路等主要电机、电器、线路之间的电气接线。中华人民共和国的成立,标志着半殖民地半封建社会的结束和社会主义社会在全国范围内的建立。 ( )图线框用什么线画Xinjiang is one of the main _____ areas, the erosion of sand and salt soil are serious.Being authentic, honest, and _____is always interesting.He did not go to university and at age 18 married Anne Hathaway, who was eight years his_____.Although few plays have been_____ or analyzed as extensively as the 38 plays Shakespeare wrote,...The _______ of the house, including the fittings and furniture, was also designed by the same person.This house built in 1904 was designed and built for local _____ and his family.对圆柱面进行包覆命令时,草绘面必须平行于或等于过圆柱回转中心的面。人工智能的发展历程是直线上升的。 ( )计算线性电阻电路的电压时,(   )用叠加原理。
