Passage 1 In the eighteenth century one of the first modern economists, Adam Smith, thought that the “whole annual produce of th

lk2025-02-05  2

题目:Passage 1 In the eighteenth century one of the first modern economists, Adam Smith, thought that the “whole annual produce of the land and labour of every country” provided revenue to ‘three different orders of people: those who live by rent, those who live by wages, and those who live by profit”. Each successive stage of the industrial revolution, however, made the social structure more complicated. Many intermediate groups grew up during the nineteenth century between the upper middle class and the working class. There were small-scale industrialists as well as large ones, small shopkeepers and tradesmen, officials and salaried employees, skilled and unskilled workers, and professional men such as doctors and teachers. Farmers and peasants continued in all countries as independent groups. During the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the possession of wealth inevitably affected a person’s social position. Intelligent industrialists with initiative made fortunes by their wits which lifted them into an economic group far higher than that of their working-class parents. But they lacked social training of the upper class, who despised them as the “new rich”. They often sent their sons and daughters to special school to acquire social training. Here their children, mixed with the children of the upper classes, were accepted by them, and very often found marriage partners from among them. In the same way, a thrifty, hardworking laborer though not clever himself, might save for his son enough to pay for an extended secondary school education in the hope that he would move in a “white collar” occupation, carrying with it a higher salary and a move up in the social scale. In the twentieth century the increased taxation of higher incomes, the growth of the social services, and the wider development of educational opportunity have considerably altered the social outlook. The upper classes no longer are the sole, or even the main possessors of wealth, power and education, though inherited social position still carries considerable prestige. What criterion did Adam Smith seem to go by in his classification of social groups?

A. The amount of wealth.

B. The amount of money.

C. The social status.

D. The way of getting money.



受到危机事件影响时,我们要竭力克制和不免受到事件冲击而表现出来的一些不合理情绪和举动。金融远期与金融期货的区别表现在( )将来需要购入金融商品者,则卖出等同金额的远期合约党的十五大明确阐述了社会主义初级阶段的所有制结构,即“以公有制为主体,多种所有制经济共同发展”。公有制经济包括()。如果一国在资本密集型产品的生产方面具有比较优势,且资本增长的速度快于其他投入品(如劳动力)的增长速度,那么,根据贸易理论由此而导致的增长模式为: ( )亚当·斯密认为两国进行贸易的基础是( )。What’s the meaning of “amphibian” in line 3 of paragraph 4?自由需要启蒙,需要教育,但是反过来,教育不需要自由。起点公正是指青少年学生进入到某一阶段的教育系统以后受到公正的对待,享有同等的学习权利、同质的学习资源和同样的教育关怀,教育者不以他们各自的家庭背景、智力水平、教养程度等的不同而有所不同。音乐构成的四要素是响度、时值、音色和什么?( )实事求是是马克思主义中国化理论的精髓,这是因为( )。毛泽东思想形成和发展的实践基础是( ) 。世界市场的集团化趋势表现为:( )孔子把“忠恕之道”看成是处理人己关系的一条准则,也是儒家伦理的一个特色。克尔凯郭尔所说的第三阶段即“信仰阶段”,其典型的生活方式就是《圣经》人物阿伯拉罕的生活方式,其主要的特点就是个体全部的生活为信仰所支配。根据教育公正所意图调节的公共教育资源供给或配置在整个教育过程中的地位和作用,可以将教育公正划分为就知识的适用范围而言,“人文知识”具有超越文化限制的“个体性”。联合国教科文组织在一份文件规定教师享受的基本教学自由包括物联网中常提到的“M2M”概念不包括下面哪一项( )?账户的右边就是增加方。
