Task 2 Directions: The following is an advertisement from an insurance company. After reading it,you should give brief answer to

lk2025-02-02  2

题目:Task 2 Directions: The following is an advertisement from an insurance company. After reading it,you should give brief answer to the questions (No. 26 to No.30) that follow. The answer (in no more than 3 words) should be written after the corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet. Not everyone thinks that life insurance is an important purchase to make for their family. That's why we've created the B-Assured Life insurance that's really quick and easy. If you're the breadwinner (养家糊口的人), you won't want to leave your loved ones with money struggles. So it makes sense to cover some of the costs of raising a family. With the B-Assured Life insurance you can apply online and be covered in minutes. It's great value too, as you get tax relief on your premiums. So why not go online to www. barclayslifeinsurance.co.m and get a quote? From just a few pennies a day, you can help protect your family. *B-Assured is available for people aged between 26 and 30 *A lump sum (一次付清) is paid out when the policy holder dies or is diagnosed with a terminal illness *Tax relief on your premiums *A choice of cover levels一 £ 50 000,£ 100 000,£ 150 000 and £ 200 000 *Choose from 10 to 25 year terms *Easy to apply-get an online quote in minutes 26. What is the advantage of the B-Assured Life insurance? It is really . 27. How can you apply for the B-Assured Life insurance? By applying . 28. Who are qualified to apply for the B-Assured Life insurance? People aged between . 29. How will the policy holder be paid when he is diagnosed with a terminal illness? will be paid out. 30. What benefit can you get with the B-Assured Life insurance? You can get on your premiums.



早产儿病室适宜的温湿度为综合评价指标体系中,不需要对逆指标和适度指标进行转化。足够的参考文献是撰写综述的基础,是文献综述的重要组成部分,一般要求参考文献_______篇左右,其中外文参考文献不应少于13。下列哪些选题我们不能选_______。使用轮椅时,错误的做法是:关于道德风险,以下选项正确的是()。刘琨《重赠卢谌》中有句:“白登幸曲逆,鸿门赖留侯”,留侯指的是:科学研究属于_______。患者,女,78岁,因右侧肢体活动不便4小时入院。入院时神志清楚,呼吸18次分,脉搏90次分,血压16595mmHg,右侧肢体肌力2级。既往有高血压和糖尿病史,该患者回到病床后,护士应该立即完成的护理措施是患者,男,65岁,脑血栓致右侧肢体瘫痪卧床2年,因骶尾部皮肤破损而入院。入院后检查:破损处组织发黑,有脓性分泌物与臭味,面积,5cm×6Cm,目前患者最主要的护理问题是护士在给患者做口腔护理,发现其口腔黏膜充血糜烂,有假膜,应给予哪种溶液漱口患者男,68岁。冠心病15年,现因左心衰竭入院,该患者不宜进行的是:配制30%含酸百部酊,所需药物有床上洗头的目的不包括新市、平林诸将以刘縯兄弟威名益盛,阴劝更始除之。秀谓縯曰:“事欲不善。”縯笑曰:“常如是耳。”更始大会诸将,取縯宝剑视之。绣衣御史申徒建随献玉玦,更始不敢发。縯舅樊宏谓縯曰:“建得无有范增之意乎?”縯不应。李轶初与縯兄弟善,后更谄事新贵。秀戒縯曰:“此人不晋武帝南郊祭祀,被大臣刘毅比作汉代桓、灵,这段对话中与事实不符的是:信息化战争是以信息化军队为主体所进行的战争。在毛泽东军事思想科学体系中,战争的性质属于( )。一个教师讲授多门课程,一门课程由多个教师讲授,这描述了实体教师与课程之间m:n的联系《孙子兵法•虚实篇》:“夫兵形象水,水之行,避高而趋下。”这里的“兵形”是什么意思?( )
