Task 1 Directions: The following is a passage about the Job Finder program. After reading it,you are required to complete the ou

lk2025-02-02  2

题目:Task 1 Directions: The following is a passage about the Job Finder program. After reading it,you are required to complete the outline below it (No. 21 to No. 25). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than three words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. The Job Finder program was designed for teenagers and young adults. It provides opportunities for education and employment. It allows those who have limited access to adequate education and restricted income to advance and compete in the real world. The Job Finder program requires applicants to be between 16 and 24 years old. Youths from limited-income families and disadvantaged home lives are eligible for admission. Their housing, health care and food will be covered with no required expenses from them or their families. Job Finder applicants must be us citizens and demonstrate a need for financial and educational support. Enrollment begins by contacting (800) 733-JOBS. The Program offers safe working and living environments at various centers throughout theUnited States. Those enrolled may live in one of the centers or at home. Each Job Finder participant will receive real world job training and collect a living allowance when he displays satisfactory achievements. Participants also have the opportunity to obtain a high-school diploma or test for a driver's license. Job Finder Program Purpose: Providing opportunities for education and employment Application requirements: 1) aged from 16 to 24 years old 2) from limited-income families and 21 home lives 3) 22 citizens 4) need for financial and educational support Benefits: 1) 23 working and living environments 2) real world 24 and a living allowance 3)opportunity to obtain a high-school diploma or test for a 25



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