二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 In 1933, an unknown American called Clarence Nash went to see the filmmaker Walt Disne

lk2025-01-31  4

题目:二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 In 1933, an unknown American called Clarence Nash went to see the filmmaker Walt Disney. He had an unusual voice and he wanted to work in Disney's cartoon(动画片) film for children. When Walt Disney heard Nash's voice, he said “Stop! That's our duck!” The duck was the now-famous Donald Duck, who first appeared in 1934 in the film The Wise Little Hen. Donald lived in an old houseboat(水上住家) and wore his sailor jacket and hat. Later that year he became a star after an eight-minute Mickey Mouse film. The cinema audience liked him because he was lazy and greedy(贪婪的), and because he lost his temper(发脾气) very quickly . And they loved his voice when he became angry with Mickey's eight nephews(侄子). Soon Donald was more popular than Mickey Mouse himself, probably because he wasn't a goody-goody like Mickey. In the 1930s, 40s and 50s Donald and hid friends Mickey, Goofy and Pluto made hundreds of Disney cartoons. He also made educational films about the place of the USA in the world, and safety in the home. Then in 1966 Donald Duck and his voice disappeared---there were no more new cartoons. Clarence Nash died in February, 1985. But today's children can still see the old cartoons on television and hear that famous voice. When was the first Donald Duck film made? A. In 1933. B. In 1934. C. In 1966. 2.Who was Clarence Nash? A cartoonist B. Donald Duck’s voice C. A film-maker 3.Where do today's children see Donald Duck?   A. In new film B. At the cinema C. On television 4.The underlined word audience in the second paragraph means . A. formal interview B. law freedom C. the people who watch a film at a cinema 5.The underlined word goody-goody in the second paragraph means a person who . A. likes to appear to be faultless in behaviour B. dislikes to appear to be faultless in behaviour C. dislikes to be faulty in behaviour

A. ["A","B","C"]

B. ["A","B","C"]

C. ["A","B","C"]

D. ["A","B","C"]

E. ["A","B","C"]



网桥是在以下( )层上实现不同网络的互连设备。某公民对甲行政机关的行政处罚不服,欲向其上一级机关乙提起行政复议时,甲被撤销,其职权转由丙机关行使。丙的上一级行政机关为丁,则公民应向下列何机关申请复议_______。建设单位领取了施工许可证不能按期开工的应当申请延期,延期的次数最多为投标人将投标文件送达的方式不包括技术设计是公路基本建设项目的必经设计阶段,因此,公路建设项目造价编制中也就必然存在修正概算。二灰稳定土中的二灰是指( )。石油沥青的老化与组分的关系是( )。在城市规划调查中,对没有文字记载的民俗民风应该采用方法是()对在虚假广告中作推荐、证明受到行政处罚未满五年的自然人、法人或者其他组织,不得利用其作为广告代言人。()认证人员自被撤销执业资格之日起3年内,认可机构不再受理其注册申请。。()恶意串通,损害国家、集体或者第三人利益的合同为无效合同。( )抵押权是指债权人对于债务人或第三人转移占有,而供债务履行担保之物,于债务不履行时,有权以该物折价或者以拍卖、变卖该物的价款优先受偿的担保物权。( )我国历史上正式公布的第一部民法典是:( )制定城市规划必须遵循的基本原则有()交叉口车辆交通组织方法包括 ( )工程过程资料包括首件验收记录、首件验收整改报告、合格证、强度报告、模具检验、钢筋半成品检、钢筋成品检、钢筋安装隐检自检、钢筋连接隐检自检、预制构件成品检测、预制构件模板安装检验批、钢筋加工检验批、钢筋安装检验批、混凝土浇筑等资料。( )组间误差是衡量不同水平下各样本数据之间的误差,它()审计师提供的会计咨询和会计服务业务的范围,不包括()。被审计单位银行存款通常应列示在资产负债表的流动资产项目内,除非其为()阿基米德发现圆的直径等分圆。()
