Which of the following statements about ethical issues is not correct?() 关于伦理问题的以下哪些语句是不正确的?()

lk2025-01-20  16

题目:Which of the following statements about ethical issues is not correct?() 关于伦理问题的以下哪些语句是不正确的?()

A. If the software engineers act in the best interests of their client and employer, he won't be able to act consistently with the public interest.

B. Software products are developed and maintained by humans. If those individuals are hard working, intelligent, sensible, up to data and above all, ethical, then the chances are good that the way that the software products they develop and maintain will be satisfactory.

C. The two major societies for computer professionals, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Computer Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE-CS) jointly approve a Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice as the standard for teaching and practicing software engineering.

D. Most societies for professionals have a code of ethics to which all its members must adhere.



下列属于免征增值税内容的有()。《中央企业全面风险管理指引》的出台背景是()H形结构的管理运作主要依据是()根据《新序》的记载,以下哪一项是申鸣“因与之语”典故中两种先秦君子风度的正确关系?()脑干组成不包括需要领购发票的单位和个人,应当持()向主管税务机关办理发票领购手续。工业储量包括A+B+C级储量。__________ employees are unhappy with their jobs in the world.自2003年9月1日起施行《人民币银行结算账户管理办法》〔2003〕5号中,个人银行结算账户是自然人因投资、消费、结算等而开立的可办理支付结算业务的存款账户。关于髋关节的说法,何者错误预防Rh血型不合的新生儿溶血症的方法是( )根据税收征收管理法律制度的规定,下列属于虚开发票行为的有()。以下发票是专业发票的有()。下列属于不成对的面颅骨的是下列各项中,属于行政法规的是( )(中级考试题)患者男,23岁。因尿痛、尿频,尿道有黄绿色脓性排出物或分泌物而入院。脓性分泌物涂片镜检显示有大量多形核白细胞,其内有革兰染色阴性双球菌。该病人最可能感染的病原体是下列关于爬坡车道的设置,不正确的有同等洗涤时间内,洗衣机的强洗和弱洗模式哪一个更省电 蚂蚁庄园3月8日答案早知道若总框架刚度相对较大,则刚度特征值增小;反之特征值增大。身高不是在()以上的女生最好不要尝试过膝的长度的大衣。
