二、完型填空(每空10分)。 操作提示:通过题目中的下拉选项框选择恰当的词语补全填空。     Have you heard about Grandparents Week? This important community event began a o

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题目:二、完型填空(每空10分)。 操作提示:通过题目中的下拉选项框选择恰当的词语补全填空。     Have you heard about Grandparents Week? This important community event began a one day celebration in 2012 to commemorate National Grandparents Day. In 2014, the ACT Government expanded the program to a whole week to fully the true worth of grandparents in all their various forms.   Grandparents Week is an annual event to honor and recognize the valuable contribution grandparents make, and the valuable role they play, in their families and the wider ACT community.   This year's festival includes an exciting range of events, programs and activities for young and old those in between! Sing some old time tunes or shake a move on the dance floor. Join a fun game of bowls or table tennis. Play your hand at cards. Attend a Senior Club Open Day. Partake in delicious morning teas. your vintage there's something for everyone during Grandparents Week!   Does your community group have a great event or activity for seniors? Would you like to include it as part of the Grandparents Week 2016 program?

A. ["as","with","in"]

B. ["capturing","capture","captures"]

C. ["plus","add","including"]

D. ["Whoever","However","Whatever"]

E. ["out mind","in mind","of mind"]



下面选项中,可以获取第一个匹配元素的HTML内容的是()。下列方法中,可以实现元素显示的方法是()。在1:1000地形图上,设等高距为1m,现量得某相邻两条等高线上两点A、B之间的图上距离为0.02m,则A、B两点的地面坡度为( )。职业决策,选项越多越好。现代国际贸易中发达国家仍占支配地位,但在世界贸易中的比重呈下降趋势物流是商品交换的媒介和手段,保证了商品价值的实现以下不属于社会组织的是()。二、听力理解 听对话录音,根据对话内容完成下方题目(每题10分)。 task3_test.mp3 操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。 The two speakers are _________.  A. teacher and studen中日甲午战争时期,以下哪一项属于朝鲜东学党起义的目的:()自我认知是建立在自我观察与自我分析基础上的对自身条件的全面评估,要力求实事求是。以下哪项属于职业的特征?就业协议书包括的内容()。下列关于我国当前各类求职群体的描述,不正确的是()。特种机器人应用于专业领域,一般由未经培训的人员操作或使用的,辅助或代替人执行任务的机器人。第一个大力写作山水诗的诗人是(   )。在Power Point中,可以在( )选项卡下完成PPT主题的选择。张生与崔莺莺第二次见面时,张生做了怎样的举动?()在Excel中,假定公式=IF(90>100,1,)的值为?是个体关于矛盾和变化的隐性理论和认知方式。删除用户时,将用户的家目录一并删除,下面正确的命令是( )
