Teaching in the United States In the United States, teaching is very important. If teachers do not teach well, students complain

lk2025-01-06  7

题目:Teaching in the United States In the United States, teaching is very important. If teachers do not teach well, students complain. If many students do not understand, people think that the teacher does not do a good job. The teacher has big responsibilities to make sure students understand. In a sense, students are consumers and the teacher is offering services. Students have the right to evaluate their teachers, and they usually do so at the end of each course. That evaluation includes lots of aspects of teaching, such as explanation, preparation, using good examples, answering questions, and organization of classes. Students are supposed to read required textbooks and recommended books before class. Without reading them, they will find it very difficult to understand the class. Basic courses on doing research and writing papers are taught at the beginning of the program. They teach things very specifically and clearly. Students are expected to apply what they have learned to their studies. Classes are usually divided into lectures and seminars. There are some lecture classes, where the teacher just gives a lecture, and students ask questions at the end. Most graduate level classes are lectures and discussions. Participating in discussions is very important. Higher level classes involve very little lecturing. They emphasize discussion and presentation by the students. I have been teaching in the United States for three semesters. And I have also been very impressed with the hard-working American students. Tuition fee in American universities are very expensive. Most American students receive little, if any, financial support. As a result, they have to work hard to pay for their tuition and other basic expenses. Higher education is a necessity in today’s world. Young people with higher education are rewarded with a good career and better salary. Higher level classes are taught mainly through ______.

A. giving a lot of lectures to students

B. involving students in discussions

C. asking students questions in class

D. answering students' questions in class



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