A Foreign Trade Talk A company in America wants to import some toys and dolls from China. Mr. Baker, the representative of the A

lk2025-01-05  5

题目:A Foreign Trade Talk A company in America wants to import some toys and dolls from China. Mr. Baker, the representative of the American side, was sent to Shanghai to hold a business talk. Mr. Li from Shanghai Toys Import and Export Corporation makes him an offer. Mr. Li — A Mr. Baker — B A: Look, all of these articles are our best-selling products. B: Oh, how marvelous! Please give me two samples — each of the toy cars and dolls. What price do you quote for the two items? A: They are all on the catalogues. This is the price list. You see, all the prices are very competitive. B: Do you quote CIF or FOB? A: Our prices are FOB with a commission of 5% for you. B: But I’d rather have your lowest quotation. A: That can be done easily. We will work out a best offer this evening and give it to you tomorrow morning. But could you give us a rough idea of the quantity you require? B: I think it’s better for you to quote your price first. The size of our order depends mainly on your price. A: All right, we will see what we can do. B: How long do you generally keep your offers open? A: The prices on the catalogue are without engagement. In case of firm offers, we usually keep our offers open for 3 days. B: Would you make the offer firm for 7 days? You see, I’ll have to send a telegram to my customers and ask about their opinion. A: We’ll consider it. Choose the best answer according to the text. The American company wants to import __________ from China.

A. some toys and pens

B. some toys and dolls

C. some toys and bags

D. some pens and dolls



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