The _______ between Chinese and Japanese is not so obvious so that it is not easy to distinguish between people from the two cou

lk2024-12-19  1

题目:The _______ between Chinese and Japanese is not so obvious so that it is not easy to distinguish between people from the two countries. (单选题)

A. distinction

B. equivalent

C. index

D. murder



In college I _______ in science. What was your major? (单选题)This mountain range has many high _______ and fertile valleys. (单选题)是基于一种图结构,是由节点和边组成的一种有向图。I wish I could _______ you somehow for your kindness. (单选题)The Foreign Minister made an excellent _______ on the current international situation. (单选题)While studying at U.C.L.A.,Mr.Wang _______ his old friend, whom he has not seen for nearly twenty years. (单选题)The author is a professor of Branford College at Yale.不属于骨迷路的结构是数据库中( )是指的并发控制单位,它是一个操作序列,在这个序列中的所有操作只有两种行为,要么全执行,要么全都不执行。When he opened the door, he used too much force and _______ the key. (单选题)患者,男,54 岁,骨肉瘤术后,NRS 评分为 8 分,以往未用过阿片类药物, 其初始剂量滴定正确的是( )。DP-9900型B超波束合成板包括( )等电路。普及教育安全用药常识,适用的用药教育形式和方法是( )。饮片置锅内加水适量,加热熔化或隔水炖化后再兑入群药煎液中同服,指的是()。将对立的东西调和起来,情感论,并且认为人和神是相近的是但丁的贡献。()一台计算机不可能同时承担着DHCP服务器和DNS服务器的角色。( )如果用户的计算机在查询本地解析程序缓存没有解析成功时,希望由DNS服务器为其进行完全限定域名的解析,那么需要把这些用户的计算机配置为( )客户机。说课的意义:学习创新创业课程的目的不包括( )。保持暖箱的清洁,多久更换一次暖箱()
