What rhetorical device is used in the sentence “Having tasted of the wine of knowledge, I could not now alter my course.?

lk2024-12-17  1

题目:What rhetorical device is used in the sentence “Having tasted of the wine of knowledge, I could not now alter my course.?

A. hyperbole

B. metonymy

C. metaphor

D. simile



在国际单位制中,压强的单位是( )。面向对象的特点具有封装性、继承性、多态性。党的二十大擘画了强国建设、民族复兴的宏伟蓝图,祖 国大陆制度优势显著、市场空间广阔、新质生产力持续提升,这些都将为两 岸同胞和企业的发展提供更多机遇。白内障是以下何结构发生混浊所致:肝门静脉系:Please do not _______ when somebody else is talking. (单选题)Who is the patient being _______ on? (单选题)Millions of dollars and lots of famous actors are not ____________ to the production of a successful film, but they help!统计中所说的总体(不含指标限定)是指( )成年动物位于长骨骨髓腔的是红骨髓。工业机器人的特点有拟人化、独立性以及智能性。()理想必须通过实践才能转变为现实,在实践的过程中必须坚持艰苦奋斗的“传家宝”,这是因为( ):用户收到一封可疑的电子邮件,要求用户提供银行账号和密码,这是属于()() is a program that is often used to help find problems in other programs.CAD软件中的"偏移"操作是指什么?( )是先对总体的分布规律做出某种假说,然后对样本提供的数据进行统计运算,并根据运算结果,对假说做出肯定或否定的决策。( )是在社会关系中个体地位的动态描述非模态指令只能在本程序段内有效。古代数学家()被称为“算圣”。The smallest unit of information handled by a computer is bit,which is the abbreviation of binary digit.A group of ( ) bits is c
